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Not necessarily evil

by Someone not wearing a tinfoil hat - 2/14/12 2:46 PM
The number 318, I correlate to being good, just based on personal experiences with it. Several of you have made references to the mark of the beast and 318...but the mark is 666, is it not? The Devil, according to legend and myth and religious dogma, has intentions of usurping God, right? He mascarades, he pretends, he does things to confuse and mislead the followers of God, does he not? 318 leans more toward universal mathematics than it does to anything else. So if there is some relation to evil, I would suspect it might be a misleading one. In other words, the Devil trying to usurp a universal number. Secondly, let me point out that there are no sixes at all in the number 318. You all refer to "3x6=18" which is correct math, but in actual mathematics, you cannot infer a non-existent number. That moves into probabilities which are not absolute. In other words, to put it simply, you have a 3 a 1 and an 8. No sixes. I mean I can say that 1 and 3 = 4 and x 2 = 8! But I've added a 2 to make my equation work. So essentially you can just add a 6 to this figure and make it the mark of the beast. It's just not logical. Sorry, I know everyone is constantly looking for the Devil, but I doubt he's lame enough to hide in numbers. Most of our religious dogma is created by men with the intent of teaching other men. Don't assume it to be absolute...nor the word of God himself. If God can create the universe, he certainly doesn't need anyone to write scripture for him. Men write scripture...and men can be righteous in it or misleading. Why do you think the bible contradicts itself so much? Because it's the writings of men about God...not the absolute direct word of God himself...even though it is claimed to be so. Not trying to stir a hornet's nest here, as I know most of you consider what I say as heresy...but rest assured I'm as a firm a believer in God as the next guy...but I've learned to put a little science, logic and good sense to my beliefs. And in the end, my own belief is that 318 is a universal sign of the hand of God. A reminder, of sorts, that nothing that happens is without Divine plan. I have seen exceptional coincidences that are far too impossible to explain without admitting Divine guidance and higher planning. I find that these events, when I see them, often revolve around 133 and 318. So I think this number is good. So don't crap on it when all you got is shifty math.

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RE: Not necessarily evil

by Anonymous - 11/21/12 11:27 AM
I generally don't give too much weight to numerology, though I have found it quite odd that throughout my life I frequently run into the number 318 as well. Though the fact that I began noticing it about 20 yrs ago when my older brother experienced an eerie coincidence of the number himself makes me think it's most likely just the power of suggestion that makes me now notice it whenever I see it. The same thing happened to me when I was younger with the number 54, which was the number of my favorite basketball player at the time.
However, your quick dismissal of the math you claim people use to equate 318 with 666 neglects this angle: 666 has 3 numbers adding to 18, simple as that. I first noticed that when I came across an album (Aphrodite's Child's album 666), on which someone had written the names Ronald-Wilson-Reagan underneath each 6. Then I realized that my name was also 3 names, 6 letters apiece (which definitely freaked me out a bit), and my brother's (who had inadvertently planted the 318 seed in my mind) name was 3 names, 18 letters as well, though his was 7-5-6.

Anyway, interesting stuff...

RE: Not necessarily evil

by Jesse - 1/13/14 9:26 PM
You said that inferring a number not within the existing equation and numbering system of 318 would mean that you would be dealing with numbers or equations that are not absolute! Makes me think of when Obi Wan Kenobi thinks he's killed Anakin and says the Sith deal in absolutes!Interesting seeing as how he is portrayed as being a 'good guy'! And as far as you being a firm believer in God, trust me the Devil believes in Him more than even we can with our feeble, distracted human minds! After all God created him! As well The Devil knows the scriptures better backwards than we do forwards! You must always question everything by comparing it to Gods' Word! We were admonished to do so by the Apostle Paul! 3+1+8=12, and 6x2=12, also 6+6=12! But perhaps the 12 refers to Apostleship and the taking up of Gods' Flag in the footsteps of Christ and is a subtle reminder to those willing to allow God to teach, lead, and guide them, and follow His clues! Always be willing, and never be afraid to look at all aspects of everything! If Christ is with you, there will be nothing to fear!! May God Bless you always and keep you in His loving arms! May the Peace of the Lord Be Always With You!

RE: Not necessarily evil

by Anonymous - 1/24/18 4:13 PM
Try 3×18 = (9×6)

RE: Not necessarily evil

by Susanna Lyons - 7/13/20 2:42 PM
Please contact me. You are brilliant and I want to hear what you have to say about the Father. I believe in all inclusion. Papa is roaring “I SAY YOU ARE SCHOLAR OF TRUTH. DO NOT BE SILENT!”

RE:Not necessarily evil

by Marc P - 3/18/21 4:49 PM
318 is my birthday, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve noticed this number growing up. Later in life I tried finding the significance of the number. One Psychic told me when I see the number, It means self doubt. For my religious beliefs since I was a child, 318- do onto others as you want them to do to you.
I turned 50 today 3/18/21
I’m going full circle, only I can understand this from the heart...

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