Properties of the number 318







Last modification: December 19, 1998

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86 Comments for Number 318 Symbolism, 318 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 318 Symbolism, 318 Meaning and Numerology

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by TrustinJC - 12/19/14 9:32 PM
The number 666, when reduced to a single digit is the number 9 (6 + 6 + 6 = 18; 1 + 8 = 9. Now 9 is a very unique number in that it is the only single digit number that when added to any other single digit will always add up to the new number. For example, 2 + 9 = 11; and 1 + 1 = 2. This is a characteristic of Satan, in that he will take on the persona of whoever he needs to in order to fulfill his desire. As scripture says, Lucifer appears as an angel of light. The number nine then is the number of the counterfeit Christ. Now the number of Christ is significant in that it gives us the formula for deciphering the full meaning of the number of the beast. For just as the number 300 identifies the means through which Christ would save the world (the letter T representing the cross, the number 600 identifies the means by which Satan will deceive the world and lead people to destruction. Now according to the Greek alphabet, the corresponding letter to the number 600 is the letter X. Now X is used to abbreviate the words Christmas and Christian(Xmas and Xian.

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RE: formula

by Anonymous - 9/13/24 1:10 AM
6+6+6=18 1+8=9
9+9+9=27 2+7=9


12+12+12=36 3+6=9

15+15+15=45 4+5=9

18+18+18=54 5+4=9

21+21+21=63 6+3=9

24+24+24=72 7+2=9

27+27+27=81 8+1=9

30+30+30= 90 9+0=9

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by Anonymous - 10/19/23 9:48 PM
318 Bishops attended the Council of Nicea in 325 AD

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by Norman - 8/26/23 6:14 PM
Genesis 14 where we find 318 there is 14 years of war. Acts 27 we find 14 days of fasting and the number 276. Matthew 1 Abraham to Jesus is given to in divisions of 13, Abraham to David, David to exile, exile to Jesus. 14x3 = 42 and 318 - 276 = 42. 42 is also months in Revelation 4, which is 1260 days in Revelation 5. 1260 - 318 - 276 = 666. Next John 21 153 fish 1^3+5^3+1^3 = 153. Apply this to Revelation 21 144 repeating with the sum until 153. 144,129, 738, 882, 1032, 36, 243, 99, 1458, 702, 251, 153 note all except 129 digital root (dr) 3 and 1032 dr 6 are dr 9. 318 dr 3 276 dr 6 666 dr 9. Replace values of 2nd 5th and 8th numbers and see they are equal 318 + 276 + 666 = 1260 and 129 + 1032 + 99 = 1260

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number 318

by by Tracy 8-13-2021 8:01 AM - 8/13/21 7:19 AM
Hello my name is Tracy and I was born 3-18-72. We are all children of the most high God and we were all created for such a time as this! We are his chosen people and were created for a purpose. God gave us free will and it's our choice to choose him and his will and purpose for our lives and to live out his ways or you can choose the world and things of it. We show the world who Jesus is by being like him and having a walk with him, getting to know him and who he is and who the Father is. Spend time with him, reading the Holy Bible and the things Jesus said and praying. He is our Lord and Savior who loves us so much that he gave his perfect life for us. God Bless!

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RE: number 318

by Anonymous - 4/21/23 5:39 PM
Amen I’m born on March 18 too!!

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This is why Pisces is the most spiritual sign

by Celia B - 3/18/23 3:25 PM
I was born 3/18/1996 and i turn 27 today and everything on this number is completely accurate as it resonates with my life and certain events and situations that have taken place in my life.

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by Stephen Wilson - 11/24/22 1:09 PM
It says 318 times in the New Testament that Jesus Christ is returning…

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RE: 318

by Anonymous - 2/18/23 11:01 AM
I was born March 18th my name is Charles it means free man

no 318

by preet - 11/20/11 10:23 PM
i just want to know what is the actual meaning of this number. because i see this number everytime it reflect my life. i feel its good for me but actually i dont know what is reailty.

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RE: no 318

by Anonymous - 5/05/22 4:57 PM
Oh and I forgot area code is 813 in tampa where I was born

RE: no 318

by Anonymous - 9/26/22 12:19 AM
It is prophetic in regards to our understanding, 318 in Hebrew gematrai is discribeing sonship and how sons grow in the kingdom of God with authentic spiritual fathers who operates from the heavenly Father and his grace....

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by Aaron monteiro - 6/21/20 9:15 PM
Hello world, my name is aaron, I have been chosen by God to preach about the things that are too come, 03/18/1978 is my birthday, it's also the day that the fire came upon me while I was in prison 42 years later, I have alot to preach about, if your interested in your salvation.the time is near, God bless

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RE: 3/18/1978

by Anonymous - 3/23/21 8:26 PM
774 404 0820 once again aaron ' the end is near ' if you are interested in salvation

Not necessarily evil

by Someone not wearing a tinfoil hat - 2/14/12 2:46 PM
The number 318, I correlate to being good, just based on personal experiences with it. Several of you have made references to the mark of the beast and 318...but the mark is 666, is it not? The Devil, according to legend and myth and religious dogma, has intentions of usurping God, right? He mascarades, he pretends, he does things to confuse and mislead the followers of God, does he not? 318 leans more toward universal mathematics than it does to anything else. So if there is some relation to evil, I would suspect it might be a misleading one. In other words, the Devil trying to usurp a universal number. Secondly, let me point out that there are no sixes at all in the number 318. You all refer to "3x6=18" which is correct math, but in actual mathematics, you cannot infer a non-existent number. That moves into probabilities which are not absolute. In other words, to put it simply, you have a 3 a 1 and an 8. No sixes. I mean I can say that 1 and 3 = 4 and x 2 = 8! But I've added a 2 to make my... more...

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RE: Not necessarily evil

by Susanna Lyons - 7/13/20 2:42 PM
Please contact me. You are brilliant and I want to hear what you have to say about the Father. I believe in all inclusion. Papa is roaring “I SAY YOU ARE SCHOLAR OF TRUTH. DO NOT BE SILENT!”

RE:Not necessarily evil

by Marc P - 3/18/21 4:49 PM
318 is my birthday, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve noticed this number growing up. Later in life I tried finding the significance of the number. One Psychic told me when I see the number, It means self doubt. For my religious beliefs since I was a child, 318- do onto others as you want them to do to you.
I turned 50 today 3/18/21
I’m going full circle, only I can understand this from the heart...

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Hebrew gemagria

by BDSGR - 9/17/20 1:19 AM
To arrive at 18 arent the letters YOD-CHET? Ten - eight. The H is Hei which is FIVE not eight so how does this mean anything? I would be quicker to believe 10 (yod) 5 (hei) to be the namy of GOD , i.e. Yah, short for Yahweh, which Jesus / Yeshua is. None of this makes any sense to me??? ???? please explain

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Favourite number 318

by Mir shahid altaf - 7/12/20 2:15 AM
I called it a favourite number and I usually used in it my passwords.It was just a number chosen by me at random.

Here I came to know, it is in Bible one time

And the 328solidiers of Prophet Abraham(a.s)


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318 Coronavirus

by Anonymous - 3/15/20 6:53 PM
318 is the gematria of Covid

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by LF - 9/17/18 9:02 PM
I have been seeing this number quite often for couple years now..

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RE: 318

by Anonymous - 11/12/19 12:23 PM
I have seen this number everyday for the last 6 years straight.

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by Anonymous - 8/17/19 6:54 PM
from early Christian times 300 was the number of the cross because the cruciform Greek "T" is also the Greek numeral 300; and since by Greek gematria 18 can represent "Jesus Christ," the number 318 might be read emblematically as Christ upon the Cross :: 18 upon 300,

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by Jaroslav Kukla - 9/30/18 9:55 AM
" Spider Dan" Goodwin,claimbed the demolished WTC1,atop,for 3 hours,18 minutes,198 minutesmor,11,880 seconds,all astronomical numbers! He claimbed also the Sears Tower in Chicago,the same 110 floors above and 7 floors below ground,therefore 117 fllors high WTC1+WTC2+SEARS TIWER( now Willis Tower),all tbree(3)buildings threatened by terrorist destruction twice!In both cases,he was arrested and later rekeased for his unlawfull climbs...

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by Stephen Paul Wilson - 11/19/14 3:27 AM
318 times a score = 6036 the number of years the earth has been here x

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by me - 9/20/18 5:31 AM
the tree of life - Revelation 22: 1-2

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Y birthday is 318/82

by Karigma - 2/10/18 4:39 PM
Can you please send me a message

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by Anonymous - 10/26/17 11:02 AM
318 is the sum of all the prime numbers between 7 and 7 X 7 (49) inclusive. It was a special number in many ancient cultures.

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318 = 2 Corinthians 3:18 (TRANSFORMATION)

by samataram 113 - 8/22/17 11:25 PM
318 (Transformation is Transfiguration is Metamorphising) as a caterpillar unto a butterfly as a fallen, sinful man unto a glorious new spiritual entity reflecting the original glorious LIGHT IMAGE of YHWH that man was originaly created to reflect but lost his original,glorious IMAGE after the Fall of man and creation...(Now reflecting a fleshly beast/animal/satans image)

318 has multi-faceted , multi-dimensional meanings and symbolism relating to YHWH who incarnated as Yahshua/Jesus(the LIGHT of LIFE.... Hence the relation of the number 318 to the NAME of God but also to the name and dimensions of the sun/(SON) which also gives us life giving light (HELIOS/SUN in greek = 318 which is also symbol of YHWH/YAHSHUA and HIS faithful 318 followers refered to in Genesis 14:14 who in turn symbolize the current modern day faithful followers of CHRIST (the REAL Christians who are now sons(New Creations of YHWH) (Spiritual Israel / the Last Day Remnant of Yahshuas true people)... 2nd Corinthians 3:18 (But we all,... more...

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RE: 318 = 2 Corinthians 3:18 (TRANSFORMATION)

by Anonymous - 9/27/17 5:05 PM
I had a dream about 2 months ago. In that dream I saw a butterfly, and there was a number written on butterfly's wings. That number was 318.I have no idea about this number.
But some how God told me, that this number represents the number of souls that HE is going to win through my out reach ministry
I did not know that this number 318 is in the Bible
Fortunately I found this website yesterday.and found the meaning of 318 men in the Bible.
Thank you for shared your thoughts of this number 318
God bless

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The 318 are THE WINNERS; those who Love THE CREATOR

by Anonymous - 10/03/13 3:32 AM
318 (GOD - TRINITY - ETERNITY) stands for GOD IS MY HELPER or also viceversa: God´s Helpers. Those are the Ones God chooses in order to win wars against the evil Ones. It is a Teaching concerning the Eternal Cycle and how to achieve Eternal Life to those of us who Love & Fear God. Love & Fear come from knowledge & Understanding which in turn give us the strength to be Faithful, that is to Trust God and have Faith. None of these powers come to humans effortlessly but with God´s intervention, PAIN & TRAILS & WISDOM; meaning that He teaches those who are willing to listen, obey & persevere; those who learn from Life and choose Creativity vs. destruction.
So the 318 are ALL those chosen ones; chosen by God but also chosen by themselves when, once aware & awake to the existance of good & evil, chose to honour what their Hearts & Conscience dictates/suggests. Those are the Lot chosen as winners of the Eternal Battle. Are you a 318?

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RE: The 318 are THE WINNERS; those who Love THE CREATOR

by Anonymous - 3/12/17 8:33 PM

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by Kevin Henderson - 1/13/17 5:24 PM
I've been noticing this numeric pattern & variations of it for most of my life....i wonder why?

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RE: 318

by Anonymous - 3/12/17 8:30 PM
Ive also seen 318 most of my life! I wondered why?


by Anita Patrick - 3/22/16 3:00 AM
this site has been of help to me, though I am still in need of a personal revelation from God concerning this number,because I see it regular for over a year now. And each time I see it, it strikes something in my heart and I get this deep feeling that it means something and something good. If anyone could shed more light on it, I would appreciate while I also keep praying to God to reveal what this number means. thanks you all.

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RE: 318

by Anonymous - 12/27/16 5:01 AM
318 appears in the show touch. I'm curious why 318 has been a reoccurring number in so many people's lives.

mark of the beast

by Anonymous - 1/25/12 8:25 PM
It takes three sixes to come up with eighteen

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RE: mark of the beast

by Anonymous - 10/27/16 12:56 PM
Or 3 9's I'm a 318 bab

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by Love in Action 3:18 - 7/08/16 1:30 AM
I woke up tonight and felt the urge to read my Bible. When I opened my iPad Bible it was already set to the story of Abraham so I just started reading. To my surprise I read about Abraham taking the 318 men to rescue lot. 318 is an important number for me as well and I didn't know that scripture was in the Bible. So I decided to Google it's meaning and came across this website. I was surprised and excited to learn God had been speaking to others about the number 318 too!!

Here is my story with the number 318. Years ago God spoke to me about starting a ministry. He lead me to the scripture 1 John 3:18. "Little children let us not just love with words, but with actions and in truth". At that moment I knew the name would be Love in Action. Over these last 4 years God has shown me bits and pieces of what we would be doing. This year we officially launched Love in Action Ministries and we registered it as a nonprofit in our state! Here is the twist, just two months ago, I was setting up our website and learned... more...

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RE: 318

by Anonymous - 10/12/16 8:29 PM
Abraham's servent name related to 318.I heard from a anointed preacher once said that this servent is typical of the Holy Spirit.


by Jen - 8/25/16 1:18 PM
I think 218 means a female who has passed on is talking to you and 318 is a male who has passed on and is talking to you

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