Last night I dreamed that a 'huge revolution started with the construction of the building 63, it was built by flying spots of light' and somehow in that moment I understood that everything that was being told to me before by the masters started becoming real.
I had a dream where me and some people I know had been placed in this giant house one of my friends was taken to the master of the house and later in the dream I saw them discussing something there was a single piece of paper on the table that read 63 I remember looking onto my friends eyes and being dissapointed for some reason it weireded me out when I woke up so I googled it and I still don't have a solid answer
3 Comments for NUmber 63
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NUmber 63
by Anonymous - 5/31/13 3:35 AM2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: NUmber 63
by Joey - 3/25/16 5:22 PMRE: NUmber 63
by Anonymous - 3/19/17 9:47 AMRead all 87 comments »
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