i don't know, but id like to see some Pythagorean calculations. Otherswise nice descriptions and cites. just not a fan of religion but to each their own. good work my fellow man!
I like your name but religion is a beautiful thing. It provides me with a feeling true belonging through the eyes of god. Christianity alone has helped millions and spread the truth about the one and only lord. However, I have enjoyed Gematria since I was 10; Your Pythagorean numerology well, Aristotle said, "know thy self" and I've never had a more clear understanding of my life and its meaning. I'm free from the fear of hell and the pressure of heaven and i cant thank you enough. Now, I'm no longer on a religious level but something of a Taoists perception! Thanks julian!
RE: pythagorean numerology
by Jonathan - 8/07/19 10:54 PM
Religion is the only bad thing. Strip religious teachings of the so called elite masters and find the gems within the actual spiritual teachings of them all and then it’s so awesome what is found. They all teach the same thing when this is done and they all agree together. What’s bad in every religion is to worship something or anything as they all actually teach with pin their writings. They all basically teach you and everyone and everything is god. Jesus even mocked the Jews at the sin of gog or Synagogue he said haven’t you read in YOUR OWN SCRIPTURES that YOU YOURSELVES ARE GODS? He said we all are Gods as he is also so following him in his footsteps you’ll walk and talk as he did. He knew who he or we all are and told it to us all plainly but the religion teaches to worship him and belittle yourself. That’s judgement that it says not to do. If you judge anything it says you only judge yourself because if we pay attention it also plainly says that god is all things or everything that exists. So that means so are you. All religions break down to this and is why Buddhism teaches also to judge nothing good or bad. They all have the same knowledge but speak it in Their own language and many languages creates confusion until it’s found that too is all set he same through studying etymology.
It even says that there is nothing made in existence without god. It say it’s all made of god and not by him. We are the creators force or the creation force as we can see if we look we create all we are or are not our own selves. No one else’s does it for us. That’s why it says there is nothing that is not made of god. God is substance of all that is. Anything worshiped more than this is worship of another god like you are and it says to never worship the other god selves.
Once you find where all religiagree you find truth that then lines up with another great witness of tru understanding of everything and that witness is science or what I love to call it creation science.
I could write an entire book showing all of this hidden everywhere in plain sight but the people don’t see it and live in confusion with their over thinking everything into something that never makes sense and is pure confusion that creates separation with all things rather than perfect unity. This is where the unity in science will ever be found and I know because I found it and I do great unbelievable things using simple clear logic not found in any school or religious house of worship. I’ve found the cure for all diseases and the that’s just the cheesiest part of all I found but t most never find that and it’s actually so simple to see and learn because the truth in in all our faces if we learn truth from all the great masters that shared it with us all over the world in all cultures.
Hats unity understanding and in it no war of religion. That’s where those where fail end up. That’s hell and no salvation or freedom there.
The Bible says this awesome simple truth all Christianity fails at seeing.
It says there’s absolutely only one reason anyone suffers. It says..... my children suffer for only one reason, lack of knowledge (knowing things). That I found so true.
I wish they would learn and live all I can see everyday everywhere because one god write it all because all is his story. History. When you get full understanding of that then you are gods image or son. You become him and understand him fully and why he’s no judge and why all is good except going against another gods consent in 5er kindom against their ways. This is full truth most never find. All gods are free to live their way in their kingdom but don’t understand it fully. It’s within the law of the universe and every mans laws are written to set you free if you find its only a religion also and they can’t make you do anything that is against your religion “belief in the Webster’s dictionary)†with their religions ways “lawsâ€. Ignorance of the law is no excuse and most don’t know what that means. It means when you loose to their laws or religious beliefs it’s because you were to ignorant to save yourself not t knowing how t(do religion works to save you and set you free. It’s all the same system of law called consent.
Don’t practice their religion and be free.
They know the universes law so theirs is set up with it so they are not guilty of our own ignorance.
All laws are based from the only law book authorized by the king and that law book is the king James 1611 authorized version and not just any King James Bible. Only that one is authorized to use for court freedom and it even says we are all free to live wherever we place our feet and that’s because it also teaches we are all kings and sins of god whom inherit all that is his and that s is the greatest secret of all times. We just don’t consent to it lol 😂
3 Comments for pythagorean numerology
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pythagorean numerology
by julian - 9/19/17 4:26 PM2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: pythagorean numerology
by Norris W. - 9/19/17 4:38 PMRE: pythagorean numerology
by Jonathan - 8/07/19 10:54 PMRead all 295 comments »
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