Properties of the number 28







Last modification: December 19, 1998

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296 Comments for Number 28 Symbolism, 28 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 28 Symbolism, 28 Meaning and Numerology

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Meaning if 11-28

by Anonymous - 9/16/18 3:24 PM
Many times during the week I glance at the clock or something else and 11/28 is there. Any thoughts? It’s also my birthday

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RE: Meaning if 11-28

by Anonymous - 3/08/25 2:29 PM

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Reoccurring 28

by Patrick - 10/22/17 7:06 PM
So, I find the number 28 showing up in many ways, and I wonder if it’s because I’m looking for it , or is it significant.

Birthday. 10/16/56, 2+8=10, 2x8=16, 28+28=56
Marriage. June 28
First child born on 9/28 @ 3:28 am
28 hours of labor
Wife and I were both 28 yrs old
Father died. 10/28
Zip code of first town I lived in. 49028
I am one of 4 siblings , my wife is one of 7 siblings

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RE: Reoccurring 28

by Anonymous - 1/26/25 6:01 PM
No. You are not understanding this!

Your birthdate (life path) does NOT reduce to 28. You are a 29/11 life path.

I can understand your father's death, including yours, your wife's, and child's birthday but the 3:28 time is not significant.

Your zipcode did not add up to 28... it was 23/5. Numberology does not work the way you think. Having the 2 and 8 digits in a number sequence does not make it significant.

Neither does you being one of 4 siblings and your wife one of 7. Totally irrelevant.

RE: Reoccurring 28

by Anonymous - 1/26/25 6:03 PM
Also, a 29/11 life path is very unlucky. It is chaos and losses.

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by Sp - 11/01/24 6:14 PM
Born on 05/28/90 8lbs 2oz at 828pm

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Star of moloch/ pentagram

by D777 - 6/15/23 8:51 PM
Think in terms of numbers making shapes. 7+4=11 7×4 28.. strong number to evil. Now geometry 7777 all or half of a triangle and arranged in such a manner they will create a star of moloch which many is perceived that star the start of David if you look at shape up it's clearly not in history also arranged in a clockwise or counterclockwise manner will make a pentagram. 4/7 will make a 6-point star or a 5 pointed star. And if you look up anything to do with aliens or area 51 you'll see a lot of that number events on May 1st as well. God bless

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by Berith - 2/21/20 1:27 PM
Twenty-eight demon

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by ? - 11/01/22 4:48 PM
Whom do you serve?

I wrote on here before about the number 28th

by Daija - 10/21/20 9:59 PM
Yes, I highly do believe the number 28 is weird...My dad was born on 3/28/72 my baby cousin was born on 3/28/19 I was born on 9/28/95 my grandpa was born on 10/28/51 my ex broke up with me twice on April 16, 2016 and February 12,2020 16+12=28 me and my ex b'day in the same week of September 2328 you have the 28th ammendment... Woodrow Wilson was born 12/28/56 and was the 28th president and last but not least Martin Luther king gave his speech on August 28, 1963

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RE: I wrote on here before about the number 28th

by Anonymous - 12/04/21 6:51 AM
And I came into this mechanical vehicle on 01/28

Do I have connection to "Bruce Lee"?

by GK - 8/18/17 6:23 AM
Hi, I was just surfing the web - I read about Bruce Lee and about his Family's curse. In the curse There was alot of involvement of number 28.. Bruce Lee died on JULY 20, 1973.. I was born on JULY 10, 2001.. Now 2+8= 10.. now 20-10= 10!!! After 28 years before 10 days of his Death date, I was Born..!! HOW!!??!?!? Please I need answers!

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RE:Do I have connection to

by Bruce lee - 10/18/21 2:38 PM
I am Bruce lee

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reoccurrence of a number again and agin

by M - 8/27/19 8:13 PM
I'm seeing the number '28' again and again...and also the number 29...I don't know...why this is happening!... whenever I pick up the phone...most of the times its 28...or newspaper...most of the things keep cycling around the number 28...can u explain?...should I consider it lucky?...

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RE: reoccurrence of a number again and agin

by Anonymous - 4/06/20 9:19 PM
I literally see 28 probably 40 to 50 times a day now. It started in October of 2019 when I first began to notice it and now it has increased to what it now. Any answers or discovered knowledge? I've read that it is an "Angel Number." I also see 528 very often as well.

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pythagorean numerology

by julian - 9/19/17 4:26 PM
i don't know, but id like to see some Pythagorean calculations. Otherswise nice descriptions and cites. just not a fan of religion but to each their own. good work my fellow man!

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RE: pythagorean numerology

by Jonathan - 8/07/19 10:54 PM
Religion is the only bad thing. Strip religious teachings of the so called elite masters and find the gems within the actual spiritual teachings of them all and then it’s so awesome what is found. They all teach the same thing when this is done and they all agree together. What’s bad in every religion is to worship something or anything as they all actually teach with pin their writings. They all basically teach you and everyone and everything is god. Jesus even mocked the Jews at the sin of gog or Synagogue he said haven’t you read in YOUR OWN SCRIPTURES that YOU YOURSELVES ARE GODS? He said we all are Gods as he is also so following him in his footsteps you’ll walk and talk as he did. He knew who he or we all are and told it to us all plainly but the religion teaches to worship him and belittle yourself. That’s judgement that it says not to do. If you judge anything it says you only judge yourself because if we pay attention it also plainly says that god is all... more...

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by Leila Nambinga - 4/08/19 1:42 PM
I am born 28 August 1999 and I love the number 28 it says billionaires also come from that number so I really appreciate it I am also a life path 1, destiny 1, Soul urge 8 and personality 11. This means I am going to do something big someday and might bring a message to the world.

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RE: Numerology

by Anonymous - 6/29/19 7:07 PM
Grace and peace be unto you Leila N.

I pray that the eyes of your understanding is enlightened and that you understand the hope to which you have been called in Christ Jesus. I urge that your desire be for what is before you and that you desire to be faithful over what you have. Satan tries will try and bring a hero and lying spirit if we have focus on bringing any message to the world outside of the Holy Bible and the gospel of Christ Jesus. We all so something "big" as you desire, when we warn mankind to repent, call on the LORD Jesus, and to love the LORD God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our fellow neighbor as we love ourself. May all of our boastings be in the suffering of the gospel of Jesus Christ our LORD.

May God's grace, mercy, and peace be unto you Leila N.

my son

by vincent - 8/31/18 10:27 AM
my son just turned 4 his birthday is 8/21/14 and I am just wondering why he says the number 28 all the time randomly in his sentences or after his sentence like while he is talking and the number 28 will have nothing to do with whatever he is talking about

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RE: my son

by Gabriel Ansley Erb - 4/04/19 8:48 PM
Hi Vincent, I believe I know why your young 4 year old son is saying the number "28". Google "2028 END" to find out.

11 and 28 !

by Anastasia Raffaella - 12/26/18 11:52 PM
So I was born in 17.08.00. and I've always felt that my lucky number is appears everywhere. And also 11. Most of the time I randomly look at the watch at 11:11 am or 11:11 pm. It's beyond a many mathematical relationships are there too. Like 28 -17 (birthday) = 11. 1+1=2 and 1+7 = 8. 11-1=10. 8+2=10 . It's just so weird.

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16and 28 I dream that number..and I want to go back to my home country wich is Philippines my date booking is 16 2018

by 16 and 18 - 5/04/18 8:38 PM
What is the meaning please answer..God blessed me and pray for me..tnx

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RE: 16and 28 I dream that number..and I want to go back to my home country wich is Philippines my date booking is 16 2018

by Anonymous - 10/23/18 10:53 AM
They won't give it to you they never give the numbers meaning they give meaning from new ageism practices or from other religions or ideas not actual number

Why doesn't this page ever give exact meaning

by ....... - 10/23/18 10:52 AM
You guys never give the one actual meaning to the biblical numbers 28 has a biblical meaning yet give 1 thousand other meanings not the one simple biblical meaning of 28 or any of your other Numbers please change this asap doesn't help alot of people searching for truth.

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RE: 28

by Chevy - 9/01/18 7:05 PM
Me too.

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by Anonymous - 5/01/18 11:13 PM
I was born at 2:28 Am on 2/28/1992 on a Friday. Whatever that means.

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Very Cool

by thenumber28 - 1/28/18 11:50 PM
I need to talk with the webmaster of this site. thenumber28 is me, and I really like what is going on here. Incredible site!

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RE: Very Cool

by Anonymous - 3/28/18 9:59 PM
I fell into this site by a strange coincidence regarding the number.that was almost totally a disconnect but a common number to me and the girl I love .we met on Valentine's day..because i couldn't turn left in traffic after mass that nite.there she was at the goodwill.we immediately hit it off.ahainst all odds we remain connected yet free..our paths must have crossed many times before in the Philadelphia area..and then I forget my birthday is 28th..
I believe we are all connected.just some more obviously than others.thanksgiving was my favorite holiday.i woke up on that morning 5 years ago.and dropped the girl I was,chasing and had to hear the rolling stones Fortune Teller..she IS a fortune teller..she accepts me despite my age and we have stood by each others ongoing existing lives like Siamese twins.she is SCORPIO I an taurus.we manage through the difficulties.we are there for each other no matter what.
Amazing site

Special people

by Anonymous - 2/21/18 2:09 PM
I like how all the comments are about the people & there own interests..

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What does 28 mean to me?

by be present - 8/09/17 10:46 AM
I was married 4/28 (I had originally wanted May, but the venue would have been open to the public so we moved it to 4/28) and our first son was born 8/28 (he was due 8/20) and our 2nd son was born 4/11. My husband cheated on me and ever since I have seen 28 everywhere in some form (828, 428, 228, 82, etc). I've always felt he and I were meant to be and completed each other. I still feel that way. Why do I see 28? I'll look at the time and its something hour and 28 minutes. My oldest son's favorite episode of his favorite show (that he always asks to watch) is season 2, episode 8. I just noticed that the other day. Any ideas why I keep seeing 28 (on license plates, prices of things, anything). Thanks!

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The number 28 follows me since 2012

by Nisciel del Castillo - 6/15/17 8:32 PM
I started to notice the repetition of the number 28 since I was pregnant of my daughter. Licence plates, card readings, tickets, parkinglot spots, etc etc etc. Lots of 8´s and 2´s on their own too.

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by ZenofTupac - 5/29/17 1:01 PM
528th minute of the day is 8:48 AM.

This is 8.8 hours into a 24 hr day

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28 n 82

by Anonymous - 10/05/16 12:10 PM
Before some days of my breakup i started seeing this number 28 many a times in a day. And 28 is my ex's birth date. What does that mean ? Please anyone tell. And now its been more tgan 1 year. Us there any relation with my 28 and his bday date???

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RE: 28 n 82

by Pedro - 5/04/17 11:58 PM
See Jeremiah 1.10. A presidential mission. 28 is a number of trouble. Ira = 28 = Eden = man. Man got into trouble in Eden. When 28 hits you must become a Jeremiah.


by Angela - 4/20/17 9:43 AM
My first love birthday was- 0528, my second 0828 and my new boyfriend is 0928
The 3 of them have love me but at the same time hurted me somehow.
I don't even know, but somehow last night i stared thinking about them. Why ? And then I find out the considence.
And my birthday is 1014. 14 is half of 28
I am chocked! Anybody can explain to me what is the meaning of this ?

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RE: 28

by Pedro - 5/04/17 11:37 PM
The sum is 528 828 928 = 2284 = 16 = 7. The number of completion. You must start again. Must learn how to make a hard decision.

A Case

by Pedro - 5/04/17 11:30 PM
Take the Space Shuttle Columbia, 28th was the last mission. Had 28,000 pounds of payload. It was destroyed in flight over Texas.

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The Cross

by Lisa Becker - 4/17/17 5:18 AM
The Cross is mentioned 28 times

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