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Re 44

by Obed - 4/29/18 9:53 PM
I was just told by a demon that I'm a number 44 Angel!. That I'm here to help people,but women in particular. I've been condemned for quite some time, Because I blashemy against all three!! But Jesus is a false good!. Look at Genesis there are two creations!! One of God almighty!! And Lord God (Jesus) God's days of creation are numbered there is no serpent no tree of good and evil, he created humans in one day!! Now the Lord God doesn't have his days in order, makes them out of dirt dust on two separate times, he plants two trees good and evel and life, and HE IS THE SERPENT!!!! Because the author reffers to the serpent as "He". Further down in Genesis the Lord God is reffered to as "He!!!" Genesis 3:11. Then in the flood the Lord God tells Noah to take clean and unclean animals!!! Why? And God doesn't!. God says take animals by twos, the Lord God says 7 and two??? Now some one explain this falsity!! I've been condemned to hell but have accepted it! That's the difference. So many people are going to hell because we've been predestined too if not it wouldn't work, their has to be bad for there to be a hell. A car doesn't just start with the positive cable connected!! But if the pastors would tell people you are condemned, they would lose out on alot of money!. When in a funeral have you heard any pastor say oh he was a drunk, drug addict, loser violent he's going to hell!!? When it's always hope they sell. And when you blashemy the holy spirit like I have, you are going to hell I don't care what any pastor trys telling you to keep getting your tiths!! From the old law lol. But I've spoke to God and Lucifer and neither or care!! I can't sell my soul, because it's already in hell, and got talked to me and said I can't help you, you are no longer mine turned around and walked away, but you know the messed up part;!! He still uses me!! Romans 9: 21-23 not only that but God sends demons 1st Samuel 19: 9!. Read the Bible and pay close attention, people are being decided by preachers and pulpit thumpers interpreting the Bible at their convenience!!! GOD is the real God, because as a condemned man, I can claim the blood of Jesus all day long and there are no demons coming out I can say he's the son of God and nothing!! I've been repuked yes!! By my own mother in Jesus blood or blood of Jesus AND NOTHING WHY!!! BECAUSE HE IS THE DEVIL!!!. Who is this I'm age of Christ people have hanging, this white man with blue eyes, holding a little baby lamb, with two fingers held up??? Who!! I'm not being prejudiced I coul care less if he's white black Mexican, but that is not Jesus image!! Look at a serpent! Poor animal!! Had no clue what was going on!! When the Lord God used him!! Ruined a whole species sad!. Anyway why do you think the Lord God was calling them where art thou? Oh and walking!! God doesn't walk!!! In the cool of the day!! He's omnipotent, omniscience, he's everywhere and sees everything yes! Even if your hiding behind the biggest tree naked!!!. Sorry the devil and God both wor

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