So, I find the number 28 showing up in many ways, and I wonder if it’s because I’m looking for it , or is it significant.
Birthday. 10/16/56, 2+8=10, 2x8=16, 28+28=56
Marriage. June 28
First child born on 9/28 @ 3:28 am
28 hours of labor
Wife and I were both 28 yrs old
Father died. 10/28
Zip code of first town I lived in. 49028
I am one of 4 siblings , my wife is one of 7 siblings
My birthday is 4/28, I see 428 everywhere and I always just thought it was because it’s my birthdate and that’s a significant number for me but it shows up atleast once a day for me so it seems crazy that it’s just a coincidence.
RE: Reoccurring 28
by Anonymous - 1/18/25 11:24 PM
My birthday is 4 28 as well
RE: Reoccurring 28
by Anonymous - 1/26/25 6:01 PM
No. You are not understanding this!
Your birthdate (life path) does NOT reduce to 28. You are a 29/11 life path.
I can understand your father's death, including yours, your wife's, and child's birthday but the 3:28 time is not significant.
Your zipcode did not add up to 28... it was 23/5. Numberology does not work the way you think. Having the 2 and 8 digits in a number sequence does not make it significant.
Neither does you being one of 4 siblings and your wife one of 7. Totally irrelevant.
RE: Reoccurring 28
by Anonymous - 1/26/25 6:03 PM
Also, a 29/11 life path is very unlucky. It is chaos and losses.
6 Comments for Reoccurring 28
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Reoccurring 28
by Patrick - 10/22/17 7:06 PM5 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: Reoccurring 28
by Anonymous - 12/28/17 1:33 PMRE: Reoccurring 28
by Anonymous - 3/21/18 5:52 PMRE: Reoccurring 28
by Anonymous - 1/18/25 11:24 PMRE: Reoccurring 28
by Anonymous - 1/26/25 6:01 PMRE: Reoccurring 28
by Anonymous - 1/26/25 6:03 PMRead all 296 comments »
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