far as i can remember i have always seen the number 22. my birthday is 10/22.i was born at 10:10. everyday and everywhere i go i see the number 22 or 55, in a way if 22 is put beside a mirror it would be 55. with it being said that 22 is a spiritual number i do believe it is. i have visions of spirits have ever since i was a child. i hear voices of people not there. i work in a place that has motion detectors to keep the lights on, i go by the lights go off at times. i see 3 shadows that follow me one on each side and one behind. but lately i been seeing a white shadow like someone dressed in a white gown. i have so much that has happened that i dont have enough time to type it all. if anyone could tell me about any of this or want to talk about it or comments about it email me. the number 22 is also my lucky number, when i use it things are good. even in bad times. and the things i have read you have typed i too have experienced.
1022 is a poor mans assault rifle.... so be careful with your D.O.B. numerology!!!!
RE: seeing the number 22 and other doubles
by jeremiah - 10/23/11 7:30 PM
I need help as well born 11/22 and have seen and heard things I am afraid to ever tell
RE: seeing the number 22 and other doubles
by Anonymous - 1/13/18 1:29 PM
I was born on 11-22. U see or hear things? Is it still going on?
RE: seeing the number 22 and other doubles
by Trenton - 7/25/18 3:11 PM
Your the only other person who iv heard speak on 1022, it's weird your born at 1010 cuz it sounds like my name something I notice when I see that number, but I see 1022 everywhere it seems like alot of times my thoughts and circumstances will line up to when I see the number 1022. I am a believer in Yeshua. And I was watching this video on prophecy club and it was describing this Jewish mysticism call kabbalah and it's tree of life, look up the tree of life symbol, it is ten parts that have 22 different paths. Sorry I am typing this fast and I know what you meanwhen you say you can't type all the "coincidences" cuz I couldn't either and can't even remember but a small fraction of them. Feel free to email me if you would like to talk further on the subject
5 Comments for seeing the number 22 and other doubles
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seeing the number 22 and other doubles
by [email protected] - 11/18/09 2:12 AM4 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: seeing the number 22 and other doubles
by Brude - 10/07/11 1:59 AMRE: seeing the number 22 and other doubles
by jeremiah - 10/23/11 7:30 PMRE: seeing the number 22 and other doubles
by Anonymous - 1/13/18 1:29 PMRE: seeing the number 22 and other doubles
by Trenton - 7/25/18 3:11 PMRead all 569 comments »
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