1 Comment for Significance of 444, 666, 222 and Revelation 13:18

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Significance of 444, 666, 222 and Revelation 13:18

by Observer246 - 9/18/21 8:54 AM
Scientifically speaking "with respect to laws of Quantum Physics/Mechanics and all known laws of Theoretical Physics" that explain reasons for chance events to happen repeatedly, and these scientific laws rationally explain us and enlighten us about the mystical ways of life on earth and the Universe. Based on these scientific reasoning we must "think" rationally, and conclude with 100% certainty that 444 and 666 and 222 correlation with names and events/phenomena are as true/logical as daylight; especially the spectacular correlation of specific important holly scripture names and their letter/characters adding up to 444 or 666 or 222=Hell etc. In accordance with "Book of Revelation 13:18, if you stay focused to seek the answer then you shall find the "Holy Grail" especially using code "444", it will reveal the time/year place of events etc. leading to "Rapture", and harsh/horrific time after the rapture for those unfortunate/unlucky who due to their reckless sins got left behind; good news is that after the rapture earth will only last one human lifetime = 60 to 100 odd years, and I guess crime rate will either drop to zero or may get worse, and some unfortunate lot "Left Behind" will still be hoping to seek salvation. So, check with NASA if any massive NEO is due to strike earth "bullseye" in near/long future? But, I am 100% sure NASA will keep NEO impact info well classified/hidden, otherwise 90% of the "mentally challenged" folks across the world will go on mad "trip", and quickly resort to reckless rampage, free for all as in the sequel "Purge" or "Walking Dead" :( , even if the impact confirmation date is 100 plus years into the future 2036?? 2050??.

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