13 Comments for SYNCHRONICITY / #27...

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by UNKNOWABLE - 5/19/19 1:00 PM
The #27 entered my life when I was 27 years old. Over the years I have seen 27 in a variety of different ways. This particular Synchronicity has never stopped. I am now 74 years old. Obviously, there is something Quantum involved. All the people who have shared their experiences on this site with #27 should know beyond doubt, they are experiencing Synchronicity. Experiences that transcends Space/Time that have no concrete/scientific explanation yet feel like there is Meaning to these `highly charged` events. Now, over the years, I have experienced many other different types of Synchronicity`s. Over the years I have spent countless hours contemplating on the possibility that there is something that can use Synchronicity as a means to communicate. It is only thru years of experiencing my own brand of Synchronicity`s that I have been allowed to develop a possible CLUE. THERE COULD BE A PURPOSE! One wonderful GIFT I`ve been given is an expanded level of AWARENESS. Amen. But, after all I`ve experienced, I still have the same old gnawing question, why me?! Perhaps I`m just a window for the Infinite/UNKNOWABLE to quantum-view the finite. I`m actually fine with that. In conclusion, I am looking for anyone who has a history of High Synchronicity`s. I will know you. It will be if it is meant to BE. Sincerely, Unknowable

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by Anonymous - 7/08/19 12:36 AM
Unknowable , I've been seeing this number since I as 14. 14 is also a very special number to me because its my birthday number. I have energy and I don't know what to do with it


by Anonymous - 7/24/19 1:02 AM
My mother's birthday is May 19, my birthday is May 9th, funny I see this post, I've seen the number 27 through my entire life, I'm now 30. I've searched for meaning through my life, I thought it was my lucky number, but never brought me luck, but it has significance. I just saw something 33 is a reoccurrence in the universe. My soul number according to my name is 30, 3+0=3. 3x3 is 9, 9x3 is 27, 2+7 is 9, square root of 9 is 3. I now feel it means the end of something, but also the beginning of something else. My name also means of justice Maybe I'm crazy maybe it's just a coincidence, or is it the universe telling us, the ones who are connected by this sequence, something's coming


by Drew - 12/20/19 12:40 AM
I experience an extremely large number of synchronicities every day. So far, it's regarding seeing the same numbers over and over. 27 Started first and happens more than any other, but there are several others now. I do wonder what would happen if those of us this happens to got together.


by Emily - 1/28/20 4:41 PM
Hi. I see this everyday all day. It’s been present my entire life, but August of 2019 I began seeing it prevalently. My birthday is 02/27. The man I met that spurred off the daily occurrence has a birthdate of 07/27.
My 2 youngest children are born 04/27 and 08/27. I see it so often now, I take pictures of it. I’ve felt like I’ve been going crazy. I don’t know what it means, but I know it’s a message.
There is also something about the color blue. Like royal blue or cobalt blue. Please reach out.... emilysarahrice98

RE: SYNCHRONICITY / #27...to Emily

by UNKNOWABLE - 2/20/20 8:55 AM
First and foremost, you are not crazy. Second, my daughter was born at 4:27 PM. And third , I found you, emilysarahrice98 but I was unable to e-mail because I let my membership expire. Lastly, whenever you see the #27 or you experience some other type of coincidence/Synchronicity, STOP and give thanks because it is a GIFT. Always remember, you are not alone. I am here along with all these other testimonies. Our common denominator is 27.


by Anonymous - 4/09/20 9:30 AM
I’m 27 and I’ve been through some interesting things in my life


by Anonymous - 4/11/20 5:20 PM
808 would normally be the number I come across over and over year after year. I've been seeing 808 roughly 7 or 8 years now. 27 has never been a number I've commonly noticed but last week On my walks home from work, being one of the few to still be able to work in this state of insanity with this virus going round, I happened to begin receiving amazing gifts/signs. EVERY day after work last week on my walk home I happened to find feathers. Always white and grey. Different amounts normally just one feather each day, but they would be in different places on different roads than I had found the feather from the day before. My last day at work last week I started my walk and within a minute of stepping on the grass to walk towards home I happened to find a pile full of these same grey and white feathers. It was odd they were all so perfectly placed there almost. On the side of the main hwy. Traffic always passing and wind blowing off the cars that pass yet these feathers hadn't blown away and for no obvious reason was sitting in this place so perfect and undisturbed. I finally counted them yesterday to find the number 27. I had found 27 feathers that day. I turn 27 in July. Before reading your message I already had the thought how strange I will be 27 this year and I found 27 feathers, but reading your message confirms in my mind it wasn't strange at all


by Anonymous - 9/11/20 12:57 PM
27 has been my lucky number since i was 14yr. Leaving for school at 7:27am to catch the bus. Getting home from school at 2:27pm. And other recurrences that struck me odd enough to remember. At age 27 I got together with my soul mate. He was my 27th boyfriend and I was 27. The first hotel room we ever got together was room 207. Later moved into apt#2007. And we got together on 327. Since then I have noticed many 27's and 327's.
Like when we broke up, after watch the Thanksgiving episode of Friends from 1998 more times then i could ever count, a week after we spilt I was watching it for the millionth time and low and behold on the megnadoodle hanging on Joey & chandlers door was a heart with wings and inside it read,
(we own the 10yr 40disc complete set on dvd) SO YES SO MANY TIMES and a week after losing what I thought was the man of my dreams! It too me was a sign! But i have yet to learn the actual significance of 27 & 327 on Friends. Yet i am still a strong believer in my lucky # 27!!!
Cool to learn so many other people also share this weird occurrence of this oddly wonderful number????


by IAM - 10/12/20 1:03 AM
I've noticed the incredible leaps that synchronicity and serendipity take together. A thought you conceive reflects to you in reality, and in doing so, in creating an idea that idea it must remind you, it must keep feeding you because its the drive it understands so it repeats itself to you in it's purest form, and then every form you break and create from there. It does this to bring into an awareness of a pattern, and as you said a clue. A message written to us by a cosmos we cannot see but we feel.


by UNKNOWABLE - 10/26/20 2:25 AM
Response to IAM`s comment dated, 10/12/20. This particular comment-sharing site seems to be for those who have had profound experiences with the #27 and or Synchronicities. In your comment you failed to mention any such experiences.


by Anonymous - 5/08/21 8:51 PM
Hi.Amber Julien, born on August 27. My whole waking reality and in dreams is a stream of synchronicities.


by Fletcher - 11/29/21 11:52 AM
I see this number, 27, constantly. Sometimes as many 15 to 20, others I'll only see it once but it'll be the only number I see that day. It's become so prevalent even my roommate admits its beyond excessive. I feel like it's the universe telling me to look and pay attention, it could be bad, or it could be really bad, you never know. I think of it like a point of interest. Then usually my gut will tell me whether it's bad or good. Always listen to your gut. It will never lead you wrong, your head, however will lie to you sometimes.

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