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The 33's

by Iknowalotofshit - 1/12/12 7:27 PM
To try to lay it out in a clear way, I will break it down. 33 is the master number in numerology. Dive into pi, and learn about mathematics in nature. There are plenty of videos on Youtube to observe(I suggest "nature by numbers" as a good start). It's a universal creative footprint. The Sun is roughly 333,000x the mass of earth, there are 33 phylia in the Animal Kingdom, ice melts at 33 degrees, and the numerical value of "AMEN" equals 33. There are 33 vertabae, 33 percent of the earth's land mass is desert, and the average temperature of mercury is 333 degrees. So if you see this number, you are on "your path". Christ path if you want to get philisophical. To put it in perspective, if your a 33, you got a job to do. I don't know what it is, because it's your job. The ENTIRE universe spent an emmense amount of energy, thought, and positioning to give you life, and it was ordained. You are part of the 10 percent of the population of this planet at any given time. Mind, soul and zen. You probably looked up at the stars more than most people, and your probably have a crystal clear imagination. It's not a joke, it is not a coincidence. Find your job, and do it. Peace.

22 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: The 33's

by Anonymous - 1/17/12 1:46 AM
You do know a lot of stuff now translate your knowledge to sacred knowledge. Spiritual is 22/22/44 will allow one to better understand the balance between the spiritual and material aspects of God's Creation. Science is limited and can only understand what has already been created.

RE: The 33's

by Anonymous - 2/25/12 5:47 AM
Your answer was meant for me, Thank you.

RE: The 33's

by orion formerly known as anonymous - 2/25/12 5:59 AM
Iknowalotofshit, to be clear, it is your answer that was meant for me. I had a revelation and you confirmed it. You put your answer there for me. My journey continues...peace.

RE: The 33's

by Anonymous - 4/27/12 2:24 AM
The answers are in the study of sacred knowledge. Peace to you as well.

RE: The 33's

by Anonymous - 6/19/12 6:50 PM
Why does the universe need to spend an immense amount of energy to create something when it is infinite? I am on my path? My path of what exactly? Working? Taking out the trash on monday? Paying bills? Awesome path. lol My job is to see numbers and not know what they mean because the universe is too lazy to tell me. Oh ok well what if I don't want a job and just want to get off this damn rock? What about that universe? Forcing me here then shoveling numbers down my throat then not answering my questions. Ya that's amazing

RE: The 33's

by Anonymous - 7/05/12 9:00 PM
I like this alot...it is the sacred number behind all of creation...it is the language of the universe and our creator(s) ...i believe i now understand the purest form of energy that began it all...sound...vibration...resonance...frequency...there is no such thing as matter...we all reside at a frequency...33...it is how the angels...actually aliens do everything with thier mind, this is hidden sacred knowledge we are all one...the age of aquarious...enlightenment is upon us and those who believe will find out our true origins and purpose here...in the beginning there was the word...the word of God...word=symbolic for sound...but it goes deeper if anyone wants to know the whole truth

RE: The 33's

by Anonymous - 7/05/12 9:05 PM
Oh it is not that science is limited after it is all said and done with alot of the debate falls on simply terminology of words they used in ancient times and words we used in current time...however behind it all the very first sound frequency that began the universe, there was intelligent design...GOD and "he" truly is inside all of us...and we truly our connected to "him" and every person and thing in this universe mentally emotionally and actaully physically through and energy grid that cant be seen by the naked eye

RE: The 33's

by Anonymous - 7/07/12 3:23 PM
You do know a lot of stuff now translate your knowledge to sacred knowledge. Spiritual is 22/22/44 will allow one to better understand the balance between the spiritual and material aspects of God's Creation. Science is limited and can only understand what has already been created. - 22/22/44 333 have both been prominent numbers in my life. it is not coinciDENce either. xx denNISI

RE: The 33's

by kevin o'connor - 8/04/12 3:50 PM
deeply meant and sincear thank u

RE: The 33's

by Anonymous - 8/04/12 3:53 PM
i no aloota stuff , uve helped me suss out sutton massive , uve inspired , i knew there was a signifagant meaning , unreal , i do hav a job 2 do , my regards cheers in best wishes

RE: The 33's

by Dallas - 10/25/12 10:40 AM
I have always wondered the true meaning of these 33s.... i knew others must see it as well & i do have fallen into a negative position claiming that one aspect of my life is not being truthful.....hence "Truth 33" This comment sheds positive light on an issue that rises utter curiosity in my bones. Let us figure out the puzzle together.... how are we suppose to know/figure out what our job is/entales. Thnak you!

RE:The 33's

by Iknowalotshit - 8/15/13 8:13 PM
My apologies for not commenting sooner, been busy and did not realize I still had this link saved in my browser. Since I always happy to help if I can, I would like to expand on my original comment. More specifically, the Anonymous comment posted on "6/19/12 6:50 PM", which was a reply to my comment.

The only thing that I want to get across to you is that you are right and exact in your thinking without even knowing it. Firstly, let's address your "why, if the universe is infinite?". Which in itself, is a perfectly logical way to see it. But let me show you how you are already correct in what you say, while at the same time arguing it against itself. Take this site, a site based on the mystery of 33, and you finding your way here, and reading my comment, and then leaving the comment that you did. What is 33? More importantly, what is the age old symbol...for infinity? A figure 8 of course, correct? Take the 33, reverse one and lay them together, and you have your answer friend.

Isn't life amazing?

But be clear about what I was trying to get across. You said, "the universe is lazy". But what I read, is that you yourself are lazy. Based on your words, you do not want to work, you do not want to do your own research; in fact it seems that you do not want to do anything at all except to die, or "leave this rock" as you put it. So if you see these numbers, and found your way here, surely, logic dictates that the universe is vastly opposite of lazy, if "it" is, well let's use "willing" to still show you signs, even when you do not really want to see them. Interesting...

To all others, don't mention it. I would love to elaborate more, but I am already taking up a bunch of space in these comment boxes, sort of hogging up an opportunity for others to speak their mind. Equality right?


RE: The 33's

by Gaby - 9/25/13 8:27 AM
Amazing!! Since this year only I have seen 33 everywhere, everyday, like its trying to get my attention. It so happens this year in Jan I turned 33. I have been researching the meaning of the number, so I can understand what is going on. I don't believe in coincidences what so ever.
I'm also glad to read that there are other people out there experiencing the same thing. I do look at the stars and the clouds a ton, specially the clouds during the day. Something about looking at them intrigues me. I take a lot of pictures and was able to capture an image of a beautiful angel on 9/11.
Thank you very much because you have been a blessing in helping me understand what is going on a bit.

RE: The 33's

by DEBBIE PARKER HENDRYX - 3/01/14 11:02 AM
the no. 33 is everywhere today. i prayed that i would not be like king herod wanted only to see the miracles of JESUS .i desire to have and walk in his devine presence that others will know him through me . since i prayed that praYer the no. 33 is every where . i receive my mission in CHRIST today only that others may know him and i continue to love and adore him as KING LORD AND SAVIOR. YEHUSA I LOVE. DEBBIE PARKER HENDRYX

RE: The 33's

by Anonymous - 8/19/14 10:59 PM
Thanks for the insight. I always felt like I had some sort of "job" to do. I am still tryng to figure it out. I hope I do soon.

RE:The 33's

by pharaoh33 - 10/21/14 10:33 AM
Let's all look to and trust this iknowalotofshit guy who says nothing of any relevance.

RE: The 33's

by Emily - 2/27/15 12:38 PM
I needed to comment back to this. I just needed to. I see it everywhere, my birthday adds up to it, and it so happens this post was made on Dec 19th which is my birthday. (1991 is my birth year.) I needed to see this. It just smacked me right in the face with everything I was avoiding. Thank you.

RE: The 33's

by Amanda - 5/28/15 4:18 PM
Debbie Parker Hendryx.
NO real marker of Christ would ever admit it on a website. The governments and churches have already located the real coming and if you continue to believe this you will cause real harm to yourself.

RE:The 33's

by debbie hendryx - 3/02/16 3:11 PM
Let's find where is the next journey of life will lead me to... This one has been interesting and informative for the whole Ness of my inner essence. Selah..

RE:The 33\'s

by Debbie Parker - 10/03/18 2:22 AM
There is a war between the souls of one nation.Our future is blick the rise of nationalist .Black henrews evangelism then theres a silent voice not heard .We are watchers .We see a darkness coming while hatred envelopes this land with mo deliver to come not yet
he will come when the remnant has appeared with a new voice . A new hope a new people arise out of hatred bigotry and regilious false teachings are destroyed.Shalom i see 2050

RE: The 33's

by Anonymous - 12/16/18 3:53 PM
Wow I’ve always notice I’ve seen 33 or 333 but lately I’ve been seeing it constantly from looking at a time or sometimes everywhere you see numbers!! I always felt I have a connection with the universe relationship with God /Jesus that’s change lately but I’ve never lost faith . I don’t get it though I try to listen but it’s hard!! Is it all in my mind or is it something bigger then us!? (Feels good to know there is a stronger power that loves you / watches over you )

RE: The 33's

by Anonymous - 1/15/19 4:31 PM
Universal Creative Footprint is U=3+ C=3+ F= 6
Total being 336 which is a real strange coincidence. Lol

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