Anything related to the Catholic church or anything but the one true word of God, being the King James version of the Holy Bible is a lie. That's all you need to know. Unless you're grounded on the only firm foundation that will never pass away that is Jesus Christ, you will keep right on drudging down the wide path that leads to destruction. People are offended that Jesus is the only way to life and the Father. Which is baffling to me. It's the equivalent of someone setting their house on fire because they negligently left their stove on, and then when the fire fighter leans a ladder that leads to their living room window in order for them to climb down and escape... they are deeply offended that this single ladder is the only way out. How dare he insist on using these means of laying aside his own life if this is going to be the only way out!! I think i'd rather just watch mtv until i'm burned alive because this method of escape is so ridiculous and nonsensical to me... humble yourselves before God through Jesus, repent,and be saved. He is the only way
3 Comments for the number 3
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the number 3
by cody - 12/03/19 3:36 PM2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: the number 3
by Anonymous - 1/03/20 11:06 PMRE: the number 3
by Anonymous - 4/02/20 3:21 PMRead all 105 comments »
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