Properties of the number 3






Last modification: December 19, 1998

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105 Comments for Number 3 Symbolism, 3 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 3 Symbolism, 3 Meaning and Numerology

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by Anonymous - 3/22/25 1:26 PM
I was born on the 30th day of the 3rd month of the year 2004 at 3:30 p.m. and the house I lived in as a child had the number 33. I often see the number 3 in my name and in my personal identity. But I can only find things related to martyrdom and emotional suffering. I am a very isolated person and I hate the world. I think the only things that matter to me in life are my creativity and my mind. I never saw death as something bad, but as a passage to a better place, so I never see a purpose in life other than trying to fulfill my ethical and moral responsibilities.
I would like to ask something but I don't know what.

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by TONYREED - 12/22/12 1:26 AM

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RE: 31133

by Tom phillips - 8/10/16 5:36 PM
Iv known you for a long time and know you walk with God and God walks with you. Keep up the faith and see what gods does for you .


by Bill wilson - 3/28/17 9:36 PM
You are as one with god and you are being chosen to do something for him so do as he says


by Eric grace - 9/09/17 1:30 PM
It means you are his shinning light.


by Todd larson - 3/19/18 5:33 AM
Seek and the shall find go were he sends you


by Bruce Thompson - 3/10/24 1:50 AM
I just saw this and yes go do as God has called you to do my friend .

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by Sandy - 5/16/13 7:00 AM
i just found a birthmark on my right arm - 3 dots in a perfect triangle. found it by coincidence while reading something about birthmarks - i directly looked to that spot on my arm, eventhough i never saw it before.

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RE: Birthmark

by Anonymous - 6/19/20 8:14 AM
I have what looks like a symbol and 3 letters. Looks like


by Smallthing - 9/17/20 8:13 PM
I have a red birthmark of the letter M on the top of my foot.

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the number 3

by cody - 12/03/19 3:36 PM
okay, so we have biblical and general, but im looking for it's DEMONIC meaning.
anyone have an answer to that?

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RE: the number 3

by Anonymous - 4/02/20 3:21 PM
Anything related to the Catholic church or anything but the one true word of God, being the King James version of the Holy Bible is a lie. That's all you need to know. Unless you're grounded on the only firm foundation that will never pass away that is Jesus Christ, you will keep right on drudging down the wide path that leads to destruction. People are offended that Jesus is the only way to life and the Father. Which is baffling to me. It's the equivalent of someone setting their house on fire because they negligently left their stove on, and then when the fire fighter leans a ladder that leads to their living room window in order for them to climb down and escape... they are deeply offended that this single ladder is the only way out. How dare he insist on using these means of laying aside his own life if this is going to be the only way out!! I think i'd rather just watch mtv until i'm burned alive because this method of escape is so ridiculous and nonsensical to me... humble yourselves before God through Jesus, repent,and be saved. He is the only way

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Repeating 3 at birth

by Anonymous - 9/20/18 10:55 PM
My daughter was born 6:03am on 6/3 and weighed 6lbs 3oz . Does this symbolize anything?

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RE: Repeating 3 at birth

by Anonymous - 6/11/19 3:19 AM
My daughter was born on 3/27 at 3:27 am :)

3 is Divine Completion (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)

by Glen Manning - 9/29/18 11:13 PM
Each of these words is used 3 times each in the KJV

Godhead (Acts17:29)(Romans1:20)(Colossians2:9) G2304,G2305,G2320
Christian (Acts 11:26)Acts 26:28(1 Peter 4:16)G5546
Author (1Corinthians14:33)Hebrews5:9(Hebrews12:2) Unknown,G159,G747
Justus (Acts 1:23)Acts 18:7(Colossians 4:11) G2459
Study (Eccl12:12)1Thessalonians4:11 (2Timothy2:15) H3854 G5389 G4704
Propitiation (Romans3:25)1John2:2(1John4:10) G2435 G2434 G2434
Pentecost (Acts2.1) Acts20:16 (1Corinthians16:8) G4005
Pelaiah (1Chronicles3:24)Nehemiah8:7(Nehemiah10:10) H6411

Pelaiah in Hebrew means:(YHWH Does Wonders)

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I have 3 dots on my arm

by K - 5/14/18 10:14 PM
I have three dots on my arm that are placed 2 inches in between each other in a straight line I don’t know what this means

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Number 3 in the sky

by Alfonso - 3/10/18 4:56 PM
I was walking down the block.. I look up in the sky and seen the number 3 shaped by a cloud.. Does anybody know an accurate answer what that means..?

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by Anonymous - 12/08/17 9:43 AM
I was born on 10/3/1983 @ 6:33pm. When I was 33 years old I got pregnant with my 3rd child and miscarried on my 34th birthday.

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What's the meaning of 3 around a person that died.

by Lorena - 10/21/17 8:33 AM
The number 3 around the deceased before death his Ride was late 3 hrs. the mother
of the deceased woke up from a dream at 3am where the wife of the deceased showed up at her door telling her that her son was dead. At 3pm we received the confirmation that he was dead.

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by Alexa Eden - 9/15/17 12:23 PM
I was born on 03/31/1996 on a Sunday the "holyist" day of the week. And my last name Eden on T9 text is 3336 which I always thought was pretty cool.

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3 in sleep

by Tania - 8/20/17 3:37 PM
I had 3 crosses marked on my back whilst i was asleep. My nephew was awake and playing a board game and suddenly got freaked out when he felt 3 presses on his shoulders !

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RE: 3 in sleep

by Anonymous - 8/20/17 3:38 PM
I'm catholic and very strong in my belief!


by Marthina - 6/01/17 3:46 AM
in dream i was told to look what is the meaning of the number 3

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by Cynthia Heredia - 10/06/13 6:13 PM
I am not sure how I am tied to 3:03 clock time but every time I glance to get the time I always seem to glance when it is 3:03. Almost on a daily basis, where now it's starting to freak me out! I question myself why cant it be 3:02, 3:04 .. Why always 3:03.. This happens to me too when I ask someone for the time, I get a response time of 3:03. Can anyone give me answers?!

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RE: 3:03

by Anonymous - 4/09/17 6:24 PM

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3333 days apart from each other at birth

by Thommy - 4/09/17 6:19 PM
I've been married over 9 years now to my wife Judy and only recently found out that our age difference is exactly 3333 days long. God has a reason for putting us together. We should have never even meant. I was an American living in sunny Florida. Now I'm living in sunny South Africa with my darling wife of 9 years. I think the internet helps soul mates to find each other. It's still a crap shoot but at least now it's more possible. Had I looked for her even 10 years earlier I would have never found her.

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3 years 3months 3days apart

by Anonymous - 3/06/17 11:57 AM
Me and my sister were born
3 years 3months 3days apart

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RE: 3 years 3months 3days apart

by Anonymous - 4/09/17 6:11 PM
My wife Judy and I are exactly 3333 days apart from each other in age. Wonder what that means numerically?

Texas Poker

by Gian21 - 4/08/17 10:53 PM
I like the number 3 because I win in the game and the winning key is "three of a kind"

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by Anonymous - 1/26/17 7:59 AM
I was born with a vein in my eye in the shape of the number 3 with a partial circle around it.

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"12th Man"

by Seahawks NFL - 1/09/15 1:19 PM
The Seahawks fans as a single entity

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RE: "12th Man"

by Anonymous - 9/14/16 6:50 PM
Boycott the N.F.L. criminals, drug users and anti-american activists


by Tony - 9/06/16 10:41 PM
I woke up one night found an omega sybole on my leg

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by Lord was 33 when he passed and became like God - 7/05/16 10:23 AM
he provided my home, though the balance is outstanding

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found three crosses in my yard,,does this mean my death

by sweetas1964 - 3/03/16 8:06 PM
in the last 3mths i have found 3 crossess 1 outside front of my house made of sticks n twine,,2..was made by light from cutains on carpet 2weeks ago..3rd was 3days ago cleaning yard.and found wooden one..what does this mean..then i google 3 crosses the song and my name was there..i freaked..a song on youtube of ppl dying..n since i was a kid no 3 is my fav this truely a sign i am going to die..and the song was written by kim williams ..thats me!!!! i freaked..but the artist that sang it on youtube..forgotten his name but if you type 3 crosses by the will show artist and my can play song...this is freaking me out that i will die soon ,,does it mean that??..should i be prepared WILL ect..please email me ASAP..please this is no joke!!! please help

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RE: found three crosses in my yard,,does this mean my death

by it's in the air ~ be good - 7/04/16 5:22 PM
your presumptions seem founded, though fact and fiction often differ. yes, 1964 and to the coming of being 52 = 33 + 19 ... this is good news, when truth is heard and weighted fairly, as with the course of history once lies are told

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by Kat - 6/14/16 10:38 AM
Hi. Some days back number 3 appeared on my foot above my ankle. It's perfectly written 3 .. not like something looking like 3 . It's a perfect number 3 .. what could it means?

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Living in 3s

by Nik - 2/26/16 12:46 AM
There were 3 identical triplets born on the 30th at 3pm. I'm the 3rd one.

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The number 3 in orb form on my living room wall??

by Deborah Miglorini - 2/12/16 11:41 AM
I have had the number 3 in orb form glowing on my living room wall.I would really like to know what it means?

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