It is time so that I may reveal the truth here in this site. Whatever your beliefs are it would be damning experience that you find them untrue as your soul progress in the spiritual plane. But the space is far wide enough for us to fathom. We are part of the Laniakea supercluster as understood by you right now. As of now we are sitting in one of these corners of the supercluster along with a hundred thousand galaxies and still the very cluster is only just a tiny dot in universe. Space and time are deadly numbers mighty heavy enough for us to grasp. Earth is just a speck in this mighty galaxy cluster and events that happen here are always influenced by what goes on thousands of other distant stars and galaxies. At this point of time your soul may have evolved over experiences spanning millions of years and here you are reading these words from your very master! Verily verily do I say to you that the holy book of Hindus "The Ramayana" and "The Mahabharatha" are true historical accounts. The introduction of Bible was deemed necessary for the greater good of humanity though I can safely confirm now that the Old testament accounts are untrue. Arjuna would later don the role of Jesus where as Karna in Mahabharata would reincarnate as Muhammed, the Islamic prophet. Accept the truth. It will take you one step closer to divinity. Well I stop here.
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The Truth!
by navyblueroyale - 7/02/17 10:34 AM3 Replies: Post a Reply
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by Anonymous - 2/20/19 6:03 PMRE: The Truth!
by Anonymous - 12/20/19 1:35 PMRE:The Truth!
by albanus singi - 8/16/21 3:54 PMRead all 455 comments »
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