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There are many like us....

by Red Oz - 12/01/19 3:05 PM
Till now life has been a ride on a rollercoaster. I know, such cliche, however, transitioning from various layers and states of awareness gave a sensation as waking up from a mind and soul numbing sleep. Now that may sound like an exaggeration, as most of our lives.

It was never a sudden leap but a slow gradual awakening to the fact that I know a very little, the curious explorer always thrives to know more, through this journey, I have learned many lessons to reflect upon.

There are so many stories and moments, I wish to share with you all, but the lack of several factors will not allow me to do so. At a random point in time, I noticed and there were some things different than usual, messages where in the numbers, first I thought this might be synchronicity, maybe a path to understanding greater things, numbers where of many orders and kind back then.

Suddenly it all stopped and the number 33 was everywhere, beyond the grasp of common logic. It made me understand it's uses:- markers, messages, answers questions, reminder, confirmation, etc.

While in the process of reaching this point, I was deeply into truth seeking, and I would say, as the law states, Seek and you shall find, Knock and the door shall be opened, and surely was.

I know this will upset many of you or maybe not, the only truth in our existence is that an unfathomable creator has created us all, individual lifes are filled with amazing potential and purpose, waiting to be found, we all are perfectly chiseled pieces in a grand puzzle and the way to redemption is only Jesus.

There are unimaginable complex beings out to get our souls, if it is not visible doesn't mean it is not there. I know, I sound like a madman babbling, but truth has never been any less than absurd.

33 or not, somewhere in the depths of our being we all know, there is an adventure waiting for us all.

The rules are simple, listen to the voice of your conscience and live for eternity, or as the ultimate lesson we all learn everyday in this entropy ridden world. Decay, death and suffering for eternity. To be more exact, similar to eat and survive or starve and die.

The spark through which our souls live is not in deep but above.

It's never as above so below. It's, as ecstatic is above as erratic is below.

Choose wisely my brothers and sisters. The clock is ticking.

2 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: There are many like us....

by Anonymous - 12/06/19 4:21 AM
Email me.

RE: There are many like us....

by Anonymous - 1/29/20 4:58 AM
hey, I feel the same about 22 as you do 33. I came to your words by researching a show i have been watching and they said things in this show about 33 and other things related to 33 that had my curious juices flowing with wonder needing answers i began looking into things and here i am. I woupld like to hear more about what you have come to know.

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