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What does it mean? 42

by D - 1/19/22 11:14 PM
I made a slight invention that Ive used over the years for numerology in consideration of the English alphabet.

1-9 like Pythagorus, however I gave each letter a value more specific.

So A for example is 1, and Z is 26/8 or 8, instead of merely 8.

The 8th letter of the alphabet is H, but it is not 26, its just 8.

The concept here is to show that every letter is different, but can have a corresponding vibrational relationship with other letters that come out to a similar/identical numerical value/vibration.

Sound and Shape would have been better but how to measure this? Right. So I use this limited but useful sequential method.

ANYWAY, what does this have to do with 42. Well the constellation LIBRA (the scales, weighing of things, balancing of things) adds up to 42.

L = 12, I = 9, B = 2, R = 18, A = 1

Add them and you get 42 or 6. No other constellation on the ecliptic gives 42. Based on the other descriptions and stories I see here - there is a clear correlation to weighing and measuring of people/life/affairs you name it. It is weighing the balance.

Its like asking the question, 'who ARE you, what TYPE of person are you, what have you done, how have you lived'. It can also be an acknowledgement.

When people reach 42 years old, the slowest planets in the zodiac, NEPTUNE and PLUTO are SQUARE their birth placements.

This is generally a difficult time in life, when things break down or fail and are reconsidered. For what has been done right, reward is meted, for what one has not handled right, addressed at all or dealt with will be put in your face per se. Old karma will be dished out (past lives) at this time, generally the more unpleasant stuff - also this breaking up of old things will prepare the way for changes, as breakups often do.

As anyone might imagine, judging and managing a human life is a COMPLEX affair! So it covers many things. 42 is clearly also a time and design reference. It puts things in their places. To do this safely, certain forward looking things have to be frozen or even broken apart - put on hold, stopped etc in order to reset or put things in their proper places in reaction to evaluation etc.

Just like a builder would gather materials, store them safely, and only use them at the right time to complete/build the design. If something old was in the way it must be broken down or tested to make sure it fits in with the new plan etc. There are many such concepts. I don't claim to yet have a perfectly eloquent way to put it. Hopefully these explanations are helpful though.

Its definitely a TEMPORARY condition involved with LARGER considerations. Think big picture, not small. Given our narrow perspectives on life, changes in life, all the why questions etc - it can be a time of suffering or misunderstanding because we usually only measure it against what we are very familiar with.

But life does not flow merely around straight forward lines, its bigger than that. 42 for us will often be a stop sign, and if we cross it foolishly well get pulled over or maybe get in a crash ;)

I've seen some biblical interpretations as well. Some of this is no doubt at times a sign of judgment for the world. To people that see this number, it tells me that you are people with an open mind and perception - or you would not even think to look up WHY.

Thus you are drawn to places where some solace and some answers can be sought and to test you as to how badly do you want to know?! I'd also point out the 'answer' may be slightly different for different people! 42 is a LARGE theme. Unless its referring to a specific time or event its calibrated to YOUR life, all life in its own way. Some concepts cut through all concepts of time, and so there is no limit to their affects - its just we don't notice.

Think sort of like the matrix with its endless data running through 'everything' all the time. Can we perceive all of it? No. Its too much. But we can see MORE than we used to, if we open our minds to it! There is ALWAYS room/time to learn - if we are open to it. Given the size of the concept(s), the learning will be slow. THATS OK. These are complex things! Be patient!

Good luck to all. Stay safe as these are troubled times - and were meant to be so. The world is being weighed, judgment comes and is here the world will be 'rebalanced'. Why?

Because its a time of change, the Aquarian Age has come, and planet X - Nibiru the destroyer is coming near our planet Earth.

Its the primary catalyst in these times that will change our world. Its the secret truths that all governments and rich people fear because it means an end to their power and rulership of the planet. It will be an equalizer, but it won't be particularly pleasant.

I do have one overwhelming piece of advice. Avoid coastlines and low places for they will certainly flood, as this planet causes flooding whenever it passes near the earth - as it did in Noah's time over 10000 years ago. The disasters will come step by step, it will not be merely a one day disaster, but there will be one big day of the passage, yes.

IF you want to know more about this, type Planet X into your search. NO it is not a neutron star or any nonsense like that. But it does have a large cloud of iron oxide (red colored) dust surrounding it as well as many moons and asteroids and debris..

Planet X itself is 23 times the size of Earth and 5 times as wide. It is an interloper. It travels between our star (the Sun) and a dwarf star outside our immediate system. It takes about 1800 years each way so around 3600ish years for a round trip.

For context, the last time this thing was here, Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt, and the 10 plagues - many of which were caused by planet X at the time struck Pharaoh and Egypt. Such are the tumultuous times of these passes of Nibiru.

If people think this contradicts the bible, it does not. How did God know WHEN to send Moses to Pharaoh? Why not right away? He was away from Egypt for many years before returning. Because it was not yet TIME for him to do the work he was ultimately tasked with doing. Who created the stars and the planets?

The symbol of planet X is in lore of all cultures, it often looks to be a Bird with wings.

Its is the Phoenix for it looks like a firey winged bird in the sky when its close. Thats because it has been here before.

If you want to know more, search for yourself.

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RE: What does it mean? 42

by Svitlana - 9/14/22 12:22 PM
One is very grateful for your comment.
One reincarnated on the soil of Ukraine, 24 years ago by the destiny of my soul moved to the south East/ NC of the united States of America ( 24/ 42)
From October 21, 2021, we are decoding #42/ 24 - bc it's heavy coded into creation of Ukraine, current war and the future. The new bloody phase of war started on February 24(???????? independence day - August 24,1991) The fake government of Ukraine( every "country" is a corporation) on September 6, 2022, = #666 passed genocidal law under #4142 = 11 or 41- 42 for forced vax(only 30% ???????? have vax before Jesuits roll the war). I would love for you to share with me more of your knowledge for #24, 41, 42, also #44 - # people in(from Wikipedia) = # element Rhutenium = old name for western Ukraine.
One knew about incoming war 4 months and 2 days before it started, but I couldn't tell anyone.
Today, we came across with this educational website and your comment.
Thank you??

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