The prophicy of the future king from among davids desendents, that
will rise in the future ( from biblical history ). All the signs are here to show the 22nd king from among davis blood. And hes here.( along with the elect matt. 24 VERSE 22 ) (smile)
I am 778=22. Grandpa is David. My initials are A-Z.
RE: why everyone is seeing the number 22
by Anonymous - 12/23/21 1:06 PM
Interesting. Google says David had 20 children, so including David himself that would make 21 of David's blood? And one more from his line would be the 22nd?
5 Comments for why everyone is seeing the number 22
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why everyone is seeing the number 22
by paul leo fry ambrose - 1/10/13 2:17 PM4 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: why everyone is seeing the number 22
by libra master 722 - 10/14/16 6:06 AMRE: why everyone is seeing the number 22
by Anonymous - 12/21/17 1:04 AMRE: why everyone is seeing the number 22
by Anonymous - 12/23/21 1:06 PMRE:why everyone is seeing the number 22
by Anonymous - 1/24/24 8:20 PMRead all 569 comments »
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