YES! 444 is a sign from GOD that Everything Will Be Alright!
by Joan444 - 12/13/09 9:50 AM
I have been Noticing the number 444 on my clock for over 8 years! My Mother was Very ill and had Major Surgery back in 03'. I remember the day of her operation. She had come out and was placed in the ICU. I remember Breaking Down and Crying over Her! I was fearing The Worst because her Doctors kept saying that she would never be able to return to a full and normal life. (BUT I WAS DETERMINED TO KEEP HAVING HOPE AND FAITH NO MATTER WHAT THE DOCTORS SAID.)
I bowed my head down and PRAYED SO HARD while we were in that room. I remember Crying Out and asking the Lord Jesus for a sign that My Mom would be o.k. And would you believe that after 1 hour of Praying, I LOOKED UP (with tears in my eyes and my vision blurred) at one of the Monitors in her hospital room....and there appeared the NUMBER 444! MY CRYING TURNED TO LOTS OF LAUGHTER AND PRAISE! Right then I KNEW THAT EVERYTHING WOULD BE ALRIGHT! And it has been! My Mom has Fully Recovered from Her Illness! And She is doing Fine! My prayers were HEARD AND ANSWERED! Thank God for doctors, but GOD KNOWS BEST! YES 444 is definitely A SIGN! Absolutely!!!
*For me, it means 444=JESUS!
RE: YES! 444 is a sign from GOD that Everything Will Be Alright!
by Anonymous - 12/27/09 9:18 AM
I am truly amazed to see that I am not the only one. I can't remember exactly when I first started seeing the pattern 444, but I can tell you it's been going on for a while now. At first I didn't understand why this was happening, so I just dismissed this as a coincidence. Then I recently have been having some health problems. I am due to have a procedure and it's been on my mind. I am happy to see that other's view this as a positive experience. It's very comforting to know that Angels are all around you!
RE: YES! 444 is a sign from GOD that Everything Will Be Alright!
by Anonymous - 12/30/09 5:29 AM
I have been struggleing with my faith for a while. My husband has just been diagnosed with alzheimers. I woke last night from a horrible demon filled dream too graphic to describe, to my husband shaking me awake. As I lay in his arms calming down, I found myself praying for help. When he began snoring, I rolled over and looked at the clock. It showed 444. I was compelled to google 444 and found this site. As I sit here reading this and crying, I feel that God is looking after me. Please I pray, help me find you.
RE: YES! 444 is a sign from GOD that Everything Will Be Alright!
by from sydney - 1/07/10 10:30 AM
Hi All,
i am in the same boat! just recently i started seeing number 444 or 333 in line over few nights and when i look at watch!
What is even more interesting is that a lot of ppl have experience something similar in last few months... i can't help but think that there is a message in this and something big is coming our way... I am a Hindu and have been religious and beliving in god for as long as i remember.... may god bless us all
RE: YES! 444 is a sign from GOD that Everything Will Be Alright!
by EQ - 1/09/10 8:21 AM
Thats ironic, I first started seeing 1111 on clocks, address, receipts, calculation totals, etc. I looked it up, and found 1111 was simply "getting my attention", maybe an Angel. What mattered was the 111, which indicated a need for change in my life. Soon after, the past week or so, 444 appears almost all the time, I am glad to find this is a sign from God that everything will be alright ..... now it all makes sense, because I was posting prayers for friends, family, and myself .... Amen.
RE: YES! 444 is a sign from GOD that Everything Will Be Alright!
by Joan444 - 1/10/10 5:09 AM
I will never forget this one particular dream that I had many years ago. I dreamth that the Lord Jesus was speaking to me. I heard His Voice! And when the dream was over I woke up and My Clock Displayed 4:44 AM! That is another reason why I strongly believe that this Number is associated with Christ. I know in my heart that 444 means that He is watching over me, God's angels are surrounding and protecting me, and that All things will be worked out for those who Love Him. Also, I always feel an Overwhelming Sense of Calm and Peace whenever/wherever 444 appears. And that is the truth as I see it.
RE: YES! 444 is a sign from the Universe that Everything Will Be Alright!
by Patricia Heller - 1/11/10 6:38 AM
I write about 444 in my book, If You Hear the Message Three Times, Listen, in a chapter called, Are Our Lives Guided -- Synchronicity, Intuition, and Coincidences. The first line is: 4:44 read the digital clock next to my bed...
Those 444 incidents that summer guided me to a book publisher who not only published me, a first time author, but gave me $30,000 worth of free books for my use.
When I see it now, I know all is right...
RE: YES! 444 is a sign from GOD that Everything Will Be Alright!
by Dentalkid - 2/19/10 9:14 AM
I have been experiencing 444 ever since I got insecticide poisening and almost died seven years ago.Throughout a series of intense religious experiences 444's appeared everywhere, starting with waking up several times at 4:44.I too feel 444=Jesus also, when I ask him,please give me a sign,I will see 444.I have always felt it was his way of letting me know he's always watching over me.When I was sick I felt better when seeing 444, like Jesus was letting me know he was there and everything will be alright. It took years,but I eventually recovered.Seeing 444 all the time gave me the strengh to go on.I think that coming so close to death pulled back the veil to the spiritual world; very strange things still happen, and I still see 444 all the time.Usually I say "hello" to Jesus, and God also, and tell them I love them.
By the way my husband has been seeing 11:11 for years now, and I do too, I'm not sure if it is just because of him , but I don't think so.I too, just Googled 444 just to see what came up. I had no idea there were others out there. Hello Brothers and Sisters!
RE: YES! 444 is a sign from GOD that Everything Will Be Alright!
by Pete - 4/06/12 6:03 PM
Your right. So much has been taken away from me that I asked GOD last night if HE still cares about me at all? I saw 4444 - 3 different times today! I know HE is watching over me and that we are close to HIS return. 4 = to the furthest extent, 3 x 4 = 12 which means the same thing. Not sure about 4 x 4 but will know. BTW, 11:11 has much to do with Rev. 11:11 and we are witnesses (like it or not).
RE:YES! 444 is a sign from GOD that Everything Will Be Alright!
by Jeff - 9/21/14 8:27 PM
I to see 444, 4444,44444, 444444 in so many thing's it's just mind blowing. More so 444 I believe in Christ and this is very comforting I have had many struggles in life and still struggle with self will trying to do it my way and not handing it over to Christ. When I was a child about 12 yrs old I was praying to god for a sign he was there with tear's in my eyes I looked out my grandparents window and it was a small bright pearl moon out and when I looked up at it there was a perfect cross as vivid and sharp as can be, just thought I would share my experience, God bless you.
RE:YES! 444 is a sign from GOD that Everything Will Be Alright!
by sid - 8/27/17 3:29 PM
I have been seeing 444 for the past ten years. I have not told a soul about this. What does this mean? im street smart, did well, honest, not religious. It sure is interesting.
RE:YES! 444 is a sign from GOD that Everything Will Be Alright!
12 Comments for YES! 444 is a sign from GOD that Everything Will Be Alright!
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YES! 444 is a sign from GOD that Everything Will Be Alright!
by Joan444 - 12/13/09 9:50 AM11 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: YES! 444 is a sign from GOD that Everything Will Be Alright!
by Anonymous - 12/27/09 9:18 AMRE: YES! 444 is a sign from GOD that Everything Will Be Alright!
by Anonymous - 12/30/09 5:29 AMRE: YES! 444 is a sign from GOD that Everything Will Be Alright!
by from sydney - 1/07/10 10:30 AMRE: YES! 444 is a sign from GOD that Everything Will Be Alright!
by EQ - 1/09/10 8:21 AMRE: YES! 444 is a sign from GOD that Everything Will Be Alright!
by Joan444 - 1/10/10 5:09 AMRE: YES! 444 is a sign from the Universe that Everything Will Be Alright!
by Patricia Heller - 1/11/10 6:38 AMRE: YES! 444 is a sign from GOD that Everything Will Be Alright!
by Dentalkid - 2/19/10 9:14 AMRE: YES! 444 is a sign from GOD that Everything Will Be Alright!
by Pete - 4/06/12 6:03 PMRE:YES! 444 is a sign from GOD that Everything Will Be Alright!
by Jeff - 9/21/14 8:27 PMRE:YES! 444 is a sign from GOD that Everything Will Be Alright!
by sid - 8/27/17 3:29 PMRE:YES! 444 is a sign from GOD that Everything Will Be Alright!
by Darren Godin - 10/11/18 5:55 AMRead all 1990 comments »
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