Properties of the number 109





Last modification: December 19, 1998

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54 Comments for Number 109 Symbolism, 109 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 109 Symbolism, 109 Meaning and Numerology

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by High Street Hero - 6/28/23 1:56 AM
Yes, my wife & I are surrounded by 109 not by choice but mostly every day but we don’t mind at all. It all started when we moved into what we call our last & forever home, yes no.109!

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RE: 109

by Anonymous - 12/31/16 5:54 AM
Read down and find my post about false religions.
Before you do read it, realize that no other religious figure in the world has been documented by hundreds of witnesses as performing miracles, signs and wonders as God Shelf can do except Yeshua.
Can other gods...
Alter the weather?
Make the blind see?
Make the deaf hear?
Make the crippled walk?
Make the diseased healed?
Feed the multitudes out of nothing?
Walk on water?
Raise the dead?
Defeat death?
Appear out of nowhere?
Cause animals to speak or plants?
Cause earthquakes?
Yeshua and YHWH can and the Holy Spirit. It's why He is the Alpha and Omega and true God. Think deeply on this and compare Him to all others. None are like Him

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RE: RE: 109

by Anonymous - 1/09/20 11:25 AM
109 without the zero is 19. Nineteen is the number in relation to the Son of God. #EnglishOrdinal 1=A Z=26 #GodsTorch109 #Sunshine109 #ASeeOfGlass109 #IceColdGlass109 #RainMakers109 #FaithfulChurch #MileHighClub109 #Matthew24_37 #DeadChurch #SeaBirdFeast109

Psalm 109

by Anonymous - 6/06/19 9:42 PM
Psalm 109 is a psalm to David referred to as the choirmaster. David goes to God in prayer telling Him of the wicked and deceitful things that people had been saying about him. He said the people encircled him with words of hate and that they attack him for no reason. Steph Curry was attacked by some raptors fans on Instagram. Steph has often been referred to as the conductor of the warriors. After discovering all of this, I believe that Steph is being set up to be the finals mvp after the warriors win games 3, 5 and 6. This scenario will make the final game to be won at the oracle arena for the final season there.

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109: Warriors vs Raptors 2019

by Anonymous - 6/06/19 9:10 PM
Game 1: Warriors 109 (lost) Raptors 118 (win)
Game 2: Warriors 109 (win) Raptors 104 (lost)
Game 3: Warriors 109 (lost) Raptors 123 (win)

What does this mean? Coincidence maybe? Not sure...
What do you think? We'll wait for Game 4 to 7...

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by Cyberain - 3/01/19 9:27 PM
I see this number along with various other numbers (7, 77, 144, 441, 944, and a whole lot of others that some how correlate mathematically to each other). Personally this number is very significant to my own life because its the anniversary date to my ex who was the best person to enter my life who I didn't appreciate enough and I let her get away. The real weird thing about this is if you take our anniversary date (1/09/16) to Israel's 71st birthday, you get exactly 1221 days in between both of these days. The significance of 1221 to me is as follows: when you take 12 and square it, you get 144 which in jewish gematria happened to be the very first nickname I gave her (dork). and if you take her first name (ally) in jewish gematria, you get 441 which is simply 21 squared. 12 squared is mirrored with 21 squared. Her birthday was on January 27th, 1998 and if you take the exact amount of days between her birthday and Israels 71st birthday, you get exactly 7777 days. Now this may all be a coincidence, but I... more...

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RE: Coincidence?

by Anonymous - 3/01/19 9:44 PM
One other thing I forgot to mention. If you take a look at the economist magazine for the year of 1988, it was posted on January 9th. In this magazine you have the phoenix with a coin around it. On this coin you have something that reads "Ten 10 2018". If you look up the simple gematria for Philadelphia (the symbol in the middle of the coin is phi representing Philadelphia) you get exactly 109. Furthermore, if you take each individual digit of the English gematria related to 109 (English gematria is always 6x simple gematria so you end up with 654 for 109) square it, and add it up (6^2 + 5^2 + 4^2) you get the number 77. If anyone has anything to add to this coincidence my line is open in the previous comment and I would love to hear if you've had any similar experiences with any number combination.


by Austin - 5/22/12 4:44 PM
I didn't know anyone else was seeing this number. its insane how much this number comes into my life(everyday but i KNOW it means something. and i think it means something good. cause i get happy when i do see it. but sometimes i see 108 and rarely 110. another thing is that I just got expelled from school about 4 hours ago and ive seen it 6 times since then and now. I would like to talk to someone that sees it too. contact me at "AustinFatch"

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RE: 109

by Someone - 5/26/18 12:13 AM
I’ve seen this number a lot too. It’s a strange thing, right?

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by Anonymous - 12/26/11 12:10 PM
The 109th bead is called "the guru bead"

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RE: 109

by Anonymous - 11/25/17 4:49 PM
Your angel


by Anonymous - 11/08/11 2:51 PM
I have only started seeing the number 109 with in the last few months. But I was born at 109 am (which my mother recently told me) and my old phone number was 901. It's strange but seems to have no meaning to me except its everywhere!

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RE: 109

by Anonymous - 12/31/16 5:39 AM
Well, first of all, reincarnation is a false religious teaching. And YHWH is the true and living God. Yeshua, the true and living son of God. The Holy Spirit, the true and living Spirit of God.
If you don't believe me, test it.
Get on your knees and call upon your god of religions that use pagan bead worship or idols that can't speak or that use false prophets or false retranslations of scriptures such as do the cult religions. Call to the true God and wait on His answer, Yeshua will answer you. No other will unless it's a familiar, dark spirit that hates what you are doing.
Research those of your faith or religion who has encountered Yeshua. Tens of millions. If not billions. I have myself. No idol can answer you. No amount of repeating prayers which insults God can. If someone trusts in you, do they need to constantly repeat themselves to you? Wouldn't it nag you to no end? Then why do some do it to pray to GOD? Bible reveals only the heathen repeat their prayers. Are you a heathen?
How to determine if... more...


by Anonymous - 12/28/16 12:17 AM
I dream in numbers every couple of days,I see many numbers... This number I have seen in my dreams only the dream I saw this number in front of me and the number 498 in the distance...the dream ended however with the number 11.

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by Brandon Gibson - 1/16/14 11:19 AM
I had a dream a voice kept saying "what does 109 say"
It was written in blood on the wall

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RE: 109

by Anonymous - 12/06/16 12:59 PM
That is super weird.... Don't know why but one night I got drunk and got 109 tattooed on my knuckles!


by Anonymous - 1/31/11 12:03 AM
Ridiculous; I keep seeing this number also. I understand 108 has a lot of symbolism associated with it, but I hear nothing about 109... although I encounter it on a regular basis. It's different than noticing when a clock says "11:11" or when a millage meter on a car reads "777". It does not seem to be number that is just noticed more.

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RE: 109

by Anonymous - 11/13/16 3:25 AM
I had a dream last night that I picked up a piece of paper and it was ace of cups on it and under it was 109 number. I've never thought of this number as any special and nothing in my life connects with it so I started my research! What I find is very interesting

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by ... - 11/03/15 11:56 AM
Give afterbirth secrets!

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RE: ...

by Anonymous - 11/03/15 12:59 PM
Edmun Plz


by Kurt - 11/28/14 7:10 PM
Fukushima letters added up equal 109

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name change

by m ambikapathy - 12/05/13 5:46 PM
Dont want marriage n dont want girlz problems

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by Lena - 9/08/10 9:43 PM
Like everyone else who has commented I see this number everywhere and several times a day. I've been seeing it now for years. I would love to know what it means.

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RE: 109

by Anonymous - 12/01/13 7:46 PM
Look at the date and time of your comment, there's another...

107 108 109

by Aquarius - 5/17/13 2:35 PM
Last year I fell in love with the number 108. One day i just suddenly thought of it and....i became obsessed with it. it filled my heart with a pure sense of joy and love. since then ive seen the number at least 10 times a day. ive come to know that 108 generally means "youre on the right path; keep going" 107 means ""you missed a beat, look around and correct it. if you do youll be fine" and 109 means "YOURE ALMOST THERE!! GO FOR IT RIGHT NOW!!!!" best experience with these numbers have to do with the opposite sex. the guy who fell in love with me I ended up falling in love with.....well, we were both ridiculously shy and our friendship ended when his friend jokingly sent "i love you" to me but i thought it was him....i repaired the friendship a bit a few months later. then it fell again when my shyness took over. but the universe always seemed to be encouraging me to talk to him more. i would always seem to talk to him at 1:09 or the junior yearbook his number on the class photograph... more...

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RE: 107 108 109

by Anonymous - 11/16/13 7:13 AM
Erm, yes. Exactly the same. It's actually kinda spooky. Except I'm a guy, but also (and just like the girl I'm after) extremely shy.
And 107 and 108 are also important to me, I don't interpret them the same way but... Ok.
It's nice to see there are normal crackpots like me among the other scary "repent the end is near I see 109 everywhere it's a sign of doom" crackpots on here.


by felix - 11/06/13 9:14 PM
If you're a seer of 109, I suggest you do what's right. Always.

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by Felix - 11/06/13 9:12 PM
My history with 109 began in '08 when my family moved and that became our address. Since then, I've stay'd at two other homes with that #. Aside from that, it's been a recurring character throughout my life. I see it all the time. IMO, I think 109 is a reminder of God. It can be a blessing or a judge. I think that those of us who see the # have a more severe karmic energy. By that I mean our good deeds produce great reactions and blessings; but, our evil deeds/sins will be heavily punished.

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by Anonymous - 12/06/11 7:47 PM
I have been seeing this number for four years. I have been documenting pictures as often as i can when i see it. The last couple ones were, i pulled behind a garbage truck and it was 109, the freon sigh at a gas station was 1.09$, i was playing paper toss on my iphone and it was 1.09 degrees to the left, my trash box in my email was 109 full, the blood pressure reading at walmart was 109/65, just some of the recent ones. I've come to believe it's just a part of my life. I wanna know what it spiritually means though

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Re: 109

by Anonymous - 7/23/13 9:12 AM
You see me. My name is Von. I was born on 109 day. Its a spiritual connection with me. Its a time
Of judgement or to do good.


by Tania - 3/14/12 11:27 AM
My mother was born 109 I was born ten days later , though I wasn't raised with my mom we wher still close and I love her dearly she has passed away and I keep seeing this number , I may raise some eye brows but I sometimes talk to her picture that hangs in my living room . My question is why do I keep seeing this number? I am writing a book and I'm not sure it will be received very well by my family members . With the brief description I feel a Lil better about seeing it but I really want to have a better understanding please help . Thanks blessed be

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Re: 109

by Anonymous - 7/23/13 8:34 AM
My name is Von. I was born on 109. I have lived a hard life. And those who lived around me. Its an judgement number, maybe even evil. Try as I may I can't shake the stigma of this number.


by Steve - 6/13/13 11:40 AM
This has been with me for years. I first thought it was related to a girlfriend of mine that had a rep # associated with her and it was 109. But, over the years it keeps showing up, just as with others I've read on this site. Two recent examples: After 8 years of going to the same tax guy, I used someone new for 2012. After filing, a few weeks later I received a letter from the IRS saying my dependent's soc sec no didn't match the name of record. It's because my new CPA transposed the numbers from 019 to 109! Last night 6/12/13 I went to a comedy show. This morning I looked up the main comedian and she popped up on Facebook....she had 109 followers! It happens allllll of the time....receipt numbers, totals on transactions, time of day, golf cart number.....etc....I just go with it and know it's my lucky number :o)

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by Abdullah Nazir - 4/02/13 9:18 AM
I heard this song long ago by Bathory. It was called "109" since a few weeks after that almost every street sign , payment,traffic timer,Time(usually when I sit at noon) is always $109,or 1:09pm,109 seconds remaining,I thought I was the only one till now and have now found a group of similar people.My belief has is not christian rather i am a Muslim. I don't believe in bad luck with numbers or bad luck charms(My religion forbids bad luck charms).However I believe there is a link between our minds and why we see this number.I am curious to know only one thing.It has been pricking me since i started seeing the number.Why???There was a point where i even began to think i am dreaming,and that i would wake up and continue with a normal life.I would like to know if there is anyway to "remove" this number 109 from our mind you know kinda like getting it fixed out of our minds.
I thank you for your help and my best of luck to you who are trying
to also accomplish what i am trying to do.
My regards and wishes to you all,
Abdullah Nazir(Pakistan,Islamabad)

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Re: 109

by Betah - 5/24/13 9:01 AM
I believe that all religion is good and sent by Allah or as I call God. See my comment about 109 and Christianity. Like another comment, I believe in reincarnation. I know that I don't know, just what I believe and I respect all that others believe as their connection to a spirit world that is not the same for anyone. Anything that helps us connect, be it numbers, or otherwise is sent for us to find; like a riddle.

109 and Chrsitianity

by Betah - 5/24/13 8:56 AM
I am John. I live at 109 and in the Bible, John 10:9 says "I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture." So, maybe we feel as we do about 109 for spiritual reasons?

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by Anonymous - 12/16/11 8:29 AM
I have been seeing 109 everywhere ever since Was a lil. At my boarding school my 'student id no.' was 109. I flip the page of books and page 109 comes up. Go to a new place street's no. 109. There have been several such incidents with 109. I have been very curious about as to what it really denoted all along. But have to say, I always feel a very warm and good vibes when spot them. It must be related to something special Spiritually. If anybody has got the complete answers for this, I'd love to know pls. :)

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RE: 109

by Anonymous - 2/06/13 9:24 PM
Hey so this number has been freaking me out too!
My locker number is 109
The last 4 digits in my phone number is 1009
My bus number is 109
And I see it constantly, the time, on a Gatorade cap, every time is look up I see 109!!! Someone help


by Maria - 1/19/13 2:02 PM
I started seeing 1111, or 111, or 11 or 11.11 in many places. And it always appeared in a moment I was wonder if I was on the right path, or doing the right thing. The number appeared specially if I tried to avoid looking at numbers.
This happened for a while until now, when I start seeing 109 many times. Sometimes 1111, sometimes 109.
In my opinion 111 or 1111.... means "you are in the right path, keep on" And 109 is very close to 110, somehow it means for me "You are getting close to it, keep on".
So, they are both indicators to be doing the right thing, or very close to something new in your life which will put you back into 1111. Trust in yourself!!! You can see the universe confirming it! Maru, from Argentina. marugilargentina

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