Numbers: Symbolism and Properties
This web page treats essentially the symbolism of numbers and their properties. The presentation which is proposed to you here is a synthesis, not exhaustive, of the numerical symbols met most frequently is in religious traditions, sacred texts, the arithmosophy, the esotericism or others. This web page is only a tool among so many others in the hands of the desirous reader to widen his horizons on the comprehension of the symbolism and the properties of the numbers.
About the information contained on this web page, please read before the following points:
- the list below enumerates by order growing numbers from zero;
- at the end of this list has been added, for those who are interested, a section named Bibliography in which are listed all books and documents that were consulted to realize this web page;
- the properties for each of numbers are classified in 5 sections:
Symbolism, Bible, General, Gematria and Occurrence;
- about the section named "Gematria", please consult Gematria for more information;
- the last section, named "Occurrence", gives the number of time that appear some words or numbers in sacred texts, especially in the Bible. Using several dictionaries of concordances and some computer tools, biblical researches on numbers have allowed to build a database, with which analysis and data processing have been realized by computer with a software specially designed for that, and some results have been retranscribed in this section. The reader will take note that, unless otherwise indicated, the summations undertaken on these numbers contain both ordinal and cardinal numbers;
- always in the "Occurrence" section, the biblical references of numbers have been voluntarily omitted to shorten the text. Please consult the page Biblical references of the numbers to have their references;
- the references and biblical quotations have been taken, unless otherwise indicated, from the translation of the "Bible of Jerusalem";
- it is the English translation of the French web pages that you find also on this site. It is possible that some mistranslations appear sometimes in the text. There are also some proper names which were difficult for us to find the exact English translation. We thank in advance those who will signal us any errors.
If you have:
- any questions to ask about properties enumerated on the numbers
- others suggestions to propose
- or if you wish to obtain information on a number that does not appear in this list
then you are invited to send your questions, remarks and suggestions.
"You, however, ordered all things by measure, number and weight". (Ws 11,20)
List of numbers
Last modification: October 23, 1999