Properties of the number 120
Represent the power and the glory of the Christ-King.
Essentially, this number is associated to one of the Forces of cosmic Trinity. According to the sacred geometry of Essenians, it is the place of the cosmic geometry of the Without-Name, to the third of His force of creation: 360 degrees / 3 = 120.
At the election of Matthias, 120 people were present for the replacement of Judas. (Act 1,15)
The 120 satraps, under the three presidency chiefs, on whom the king Darius establishes his kingdom. The prophet Daniel was one the three chiefs. (Dn 6,2)
Age of Moses when he died. (Dt 34,7)
It is the limit of age fixed by God for the man. (Gn 6,3)
Jesus-Christ would have had 120 disciples, including the apostles.
Among all the messages dictated by the Christ in his appearances to Dozule, 1972 to 1982, to Madeleine Aumont, the Father Manceaux has counted, after long research, 120 references to the Holy Scripture, and 17 quotations in Latin of the Gregorian liturgy, in the words of Christ.
According to Thibeaut De Langres and the visions of brother Joseph-François, the Holy Spirit would be descended on 120 disciples to the cenacle (including the holy women).
Hundred twenty disciples of the Lord were present during his Ascension, according to visions' of Mary Agreda.
The Pope Paul VI fixed at 120 the limit of "cardinals-voters" of less than 80 years.
The Ark of Gilgamesh, the Noah Mesopotamian, measured 120 cubits on the three sides, forming a cube. These dimensions would have been fixed by Anu, Father of gods.
It is written in the Talmud that Noah had hundred twenty years to build his ark.
The life of the red globule of blood is 120 days.
Numerical value of the word Netzah (Victory) of the Tree sephirotic of the Cabal, according to Abellio.
Numerical values of the Hebrew word BGhL HI meaning Lord of the life, and KGHL meaning master, gives each one 120.
The number 120 is used 14 times in the Bible.
The sum of the occurrences of all the numbers of the Bible which are multiple of 35 gives 120.
The two books of the Chronicles in the Old Testament of the NRSV have on the whole 120 different numbers written in their cardinal form.
The word king is used 120 times in the New Testament.
Last modification: December 19, 1998
15 Comments for Number 120 Symbolism, 120 Meaning and Numerology
Comment on Number 120 Symbolism, 120 Meaning and Numerology
by Suzanne Fernandez - 3/24/25 11:41 AM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: 120
by Anonymous - 3/24/25 11:43 AM120
by Thoughts - 9/20/22 11:38 PM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: 120
by Anonymous - 11/23/22 9:01 PM120
by JUST A GUY - 4/12/12 5:04 PM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: 120
by Anonymous - 5/04/21 1:10 PM120% means
by Valerie - 10/29/18 2:41 PMNo Replies Post a Reply
Number 120
by Carolyn - 1/12/13 6:26 AM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: Number 120
by Anonymous - 2/16/15 11:00 AM120 = apocalipsis. a = 1 b = 2 c = 3, z = 26 = god
by Anonymous - 11/10/12 3:23 PM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: 120 = apocalipsis. a = 1 b = 2 c = 3, z = 26 = god
by FRED - 1/15/13 4:41 PM120
by ER - 1/15/13 4:34 PMNo Replies Post a Reply
I attract 120 everyday..
by Andre woody - 7/27/12 10:29 AMNo Replies Post a Reply
no help
by Anonymous - 10/09/11 5:44 PM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: no help
by manny - 10/09/11 5:44 PM