Properties of the number 120







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15 Comments for Number 120 Symbolism, 120 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 120 Symbolism, 120 Meaning and Numerology

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by Suzanne Fernandez - 3/24/25 11:41 AM
A Godly friend of mine who has the gift of seeker and phrophetic call on her life as a Pastor. She has had a couple of dreams with me in them one was about travel and delay and timing the other was about going though papers and my husband had a check of 120.000 dollar check I found. This is a petty interesting number would you have any insights to number as it relates to the dream. My husband is alive though faithful we are expecting a heal8ng. He is in the process of selling his farm. We live in separate countries. I am hoping God will make a way for us to be together in both countries Canada ???????? and USA ????????

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RE: 120

by Anonymous - 3/24/25 11:43 AM
This is weird I never put any of those ? There are 2 sets of ? In a series of 8


by Thoughts - 9/20/22 11:38 PM
Was doing some planting in my yard, found a smooth white stone. Took it in, cleaned it up..
Later noticed distinct two what appered to be hebrew letters.
Looked them up one was for number 30 the other 90=120. So I came to look.

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RE: 120

by Anonymous - 11/23/22 9:01 PM
Revelation 2:17?


by JUST A GUY - 4/12/12 5:04 PM
I had a dream telling me a date, nothing more, it was MAY 4th, EXACTLY 120 days before on JAN. 5th!!! Could something happen on May 4th?

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RE: 120

by Anonymous - 5/04/21 1:10 PM
I read your comment on the 4th of May 2021, I also noted nobody commented on The Queen of Sheba and King Hiram giving Solomon 120 Talents of gold.

120% means

by Valerie - 10/29/18 2:41 PM
The number is used throughout the Bible. I studied for my class and was told to research the “Restoration” symbolized with 120% God will restore 100 plus 20% more to you for the things stolen from you. You will get back above the amount that was taken from you! God will do exceeding above and beyond.

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Number 120

by Carolyn - 1/12/13 6:26 AM
I've been seei g repeating numbers recently such as. 111' 222' 555 and today when I saw 120 for some reason I felt it was significant and looked it up. I have been going through dark times these past eighteen months and have been praying more than Iever. I feel that, he that, the Divine is listening and giving me messages of hope.

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RE: Number 120

by Anonymous - 2/16/15 11:00 AM
me too!

120 = apocalipsis. a = 1 b = 2 c = 3, z = 26 = god

by Anonymous - 11/10/12 3:23 PM
read all verses 1.20 in all chapters of the bible. they are revelatory to sion = 57 = 12.

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RE: 120 = apocalipsis. a = 1 b = 2 c = 3, z = 26 = god

by FRED - 1/15/13 4:41 PM


by ER - 1/15/13 4:34 PM

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I attract 120 everyday..

by Andre woody - 7/27/12 10:29 AM
I see it as a divine energy thats reminding of my inner being,awarness if how yoy create your life with not just your thoughts but intenetions.

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no help

by Anonymous - 10/09/11 5:44 PM
this was no help for me at all thanks anyway

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RE: no help

by manny - 10/09/11 5:44 PM
true that