Properties of the number 12000
This number represents several things: it is the force of the historical events, the energy impact of the changes, occurred and to come; represent the presence of the beings evolving through these changes; represent the passage of the external visitors of this plan, of this dimension, such as Jesus, Buddha. Finally, all the thoughts of the men would be registered in this number.
The 12000 seals of each of the 12 tribes of Israel. (Rv 7,4-8 and 14,1)
Number of stadia that measures the Holy City (length, width and height), the new Jerusalem. (Rv 21,16).
The 12000 skins of cows on which Zarathustra would have written his twenty books. Zarathustra (7th century before Jesus-Christ) taught also that the duration of the world should extend over 12000 years - the millennia replacing the 12 months of the solar year. Several centuries after his death, these disciples had the idea to combine teachings of their master with the Babylonian traditions. From there was born the notion of the seven great ages of the world, that is to say the 7000 years coinciding with 7 divinized planets in Chaldea.
The totality of the various possible forms of the inhabitants (mineral, vegetable and animal) of the Earth planet are to the number of 12000. But this classification exceeds also the content of the Earth planet: the imprint of the dynasties, the visitors, the substances, the planets, the entities, having been in contact at one time or the other with this plan can be categorized in 12000 classes or major energy families.
In Cabal and in Hinduism, 12000 divine years correspond to a cycle of Mahâ Youga, that is to say 4320000 years - one divine year during 360 years.
The surface of the Earth represents the 12000th part of the Sun.
The average distance from the Earth to the Sun is 12000 times the terrestrial diameter.
The number 12000 is used 25 times in the Bible.
Last modification: December 19, 1998
1 Comment for Number 12000 Symbolism, 12000 Meaning and Numerology
Comment on Number 12000 Symbolism, 12000 Meaning and Numerology
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