Properties of the number 13







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510 Comments for Number 13 Symbolism, 13 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 13 Symbolism, 13 Meaning and Numerology

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by Buckeye - 3/21/18 6:33 PM
July 13th 1979. I have always been loving,empathetic,optimistic. I do struggle with mental illness and chronic pain, however it does not define me. I have ALWAYS felt a desire to have greater purpose or that I am here for a specific reason. I am also awaiting results from a DNA lab. Hoping to find answers to some of my questions about who or what I am. I have NEVER felt that my birthday or the number 13 is bad luck. I say I am exempt from all evil actually. Although I am slightly superstitious about walking under ladders or crossing a black cats path. I think my birthday makes me special from everyone else. And that's pretty awesome.

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by Anonymous - 3/04/25 3:23 AM
a part of me just felt like you are talking about me

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Weird coincidence

by Christian - 1/18/25 12:54 AM
I was born 12/18/1994 @ 12:18pm in Salt Lake City. By the age of 6 I began to speak like a man my mother told me. From there i have always been smart and confident.

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RE: Weird coincidence

by Anonymous - 1/18/25 12:55 AM
I mean 6 months sorry.

The truth

by Fiestachi - 7/03/24 7:23 PM
people. my children. we are all one. we are all GOD. Experiencing itself through us. Trust GOD. Go within. To find peace. It lies within. Love to you my friend.

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by Michael Cathcart - 11/05/23 11:48 PM
I was Born Friday the 13th, 2004
Ive always had a yearning to find the numbers deeper meaning and the more I looked the more profoundly I've found. I am sure the dates, times, and frequencies we were born at equate to what we are ad how we act (Hints the zodiac), But it can be much more specific if we look inside ourselves then what others may teach us. Everything Is synchronized and you are on your way to Understanding and Control. On the 13 dimension, there's 1 level
1 love.

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by Patricia - 9/25/23 9:58 AM
I have a friend and over the past 15/16 years we have tried to be in a relationship. It’s been off and on. We really like each other. So after a few months we start not seeing eye to eye and we go or separate ways. Both our birthdays are in February, but I just realized they are 13 days apart. Could this be relevant as to why we cannot be together for more than a few months?

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Friday the 13th

by Melody Leasnne - 9/24/23 1:55 PM
Born on the 13th. 13th child born that day in Hospital. At the hour 13. Which is 1:00 pm. My first name "M" starts with the 13th letter. My whole name has 13th letters. Born the 13th grandchild. My mother bought 2 package of 12 baby arrival cards to give out to relatives. Both packages had 13 cards in them. My husband is 13 yrs older than me. I'm an Empath. Which I do not like. I'm way to sensitive for people. I feel their pain. What should I do with all this. 13 is all around me!

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I was born on Friday the 13th

by Mahogany - 5/08/09 1:35 AM
I am thankful to the author of the post above! I was born on Friday 13th and can not fathom equating such negativity and bad luck to my existence. I will say this though: there seems to be a HIGH, MIGHTY CALL on my life that I not only asked for or desired. However, along with that call has come a great deal of tests and challenges. My father is a pastor and I grew up in a very spiritual home. I have made some choices, good and bad, that have affected my life negatively and positively (like everyone else). But for some reason, God has decided to share things with me in visions and dreams. Tears are streaming down my face as I type right now because often times I feel somewhat isolated and called to something that most won't understand. God has also given me an incredibly soft heart, which causes me to sympathise and empathise on a very large scale. As I prepare for the LSAT in June, so that i can hopefully start Law School in the fall, I am reminded that I already have 3 degrees and attempted a Ph.D. ... more...

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RE:I was born on Friday the 13th

by afreen - 8/18/19 5:05 PM

RE:I was born on Friday the 13th

by Anonymous - 9/11/19 8:39 PM
I was born July Friday the 13

RE:I was born on Friday the 13th

by Noor - 1/09/20 7:26 PM
I was also born on June 13 Friday..

RE: I was born on Friday the 13th

by Anonymous - 3/30/20 3:06 PM
I will pray for you..

RE:I was born on Friday the 13th

by MetalMom8074 - 4/03/20 8:41 AM
I also was born on Friday the 13th. The time was 12:01am. 12 + 1 = 13.

RE: I was born on Friday the 13th

by Anonymous - 4/13/20 6:24 AM
You are simply what you make yourself of,it takes a persistent mind to defeat its hurdles, what you are facing can be easily dealt with if you can renew your mind into the things of God...psalm 3:1-8 Psalm 4 also

RE: I was born on Friday the 13th

by Anonymous - 4/19/20 6:54 PM
What do you know about 13 Days of Preparation? It's April 19, 2020 during a plague and economic collapse and I just learned this today. If you want to help me with this I am on FB. Pray you are safe.
Mary Bladt

RE: I was born on Friday the 13th

by Anonymous - 11/28/21 3:39 AM
I assume you became a lawyer. I was born on 11/13 and see 1133 or 1313, or 313 or 333 all the time. I too, have this call to excellence and to help those even though I have nothing. I am not sure how things are supposed to be but I try to follow my gut. God has had His hand on me my whole life and all I can think is that I’m supposed to bring others to knowing He is real. And more now than ever, I feel that dark forces want me to give up snd donetimes I do, but helping someone that no one else can help seems to be my specialty and actually pulls me out of my funk. Pray and you will get the answers you seek. But I believe you are on the right foot. God bless.

RE: I was born on Friday the 13th

by Anonymous - 7/22/22 9:28 AM
I wanted to comment (though I never do) then wasn’t going to…until I noticed 13 years have gone by since you posted your comment. Coincidence? I don’t believe in coincidences anymore. God is sovereign. I feel the same way you do. Called to something too great to accomplish. Called to the divine who is Jesus Christ. I love Him. I can’t love Him enough. He’s taught me so much. I looked for the symbol of 13 as I pondered why I sit at this job making $13 per hour with a psychology degree and qualifications to do so much more. But this is the job He chose for me now that I’m truly learning full surrender to Him. I believe He will entrust great things to us this side of eternity but if not after that we have plenty of time for greatness in Him, even all eternity. Shalom from the future my friend.

RE: I was born on Friday the 13th

by Anonymous - 6/05/23 1:48 AM
Your reply hit me hard. I was born on 12-13 and I to feel isolated in this world because I've always felt I was to be used by God to bring peace to the world one life at a time and no one understands why I do the things I do or why I put myself out there like I do. I've been going through a very intense spiritual Awakening as of recently and been shown things that I couldn't imagine before. I am praying for peace in your heart, mind and soul. God Bless You!

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The Number 713"

by Daniel - 3/15/11 2:37 PM
Though I have had some quite strange things occuring in my home which I could only describe as paranormal...I noticed today that though my house number is 715 I realized that it should be 713...The sequence of numbers on my steet, 701, 705, 709, 715,719...I had to question why they skipped to 715? I have had occurances of shadows noises and full apparition just one of an elderly woman in my home...Brought in a priest for a blessing which did quell things somewhat, but I still feel as if at times I'm not alone......

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RE: The Number 713"

by Anonymous - 10/31/22 7:21 PM
Daniel, are you still dealing with this phenomena?

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by Linda Woods - 4/20/22 1:07 PM
Number 13 as in reference to live and marriage!

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the clock and 13

by Junior - 4/20/22 2:21 AM
The clock adds up to 13 by going across and then down for ex. 12+1 then 11+2, 10+3 etc. Also there is an old proverb that goes "where will you be when the clock strikes 13?" Pretty interesting

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by sun of sons - 4/14/22 5:12 PM
13 is the great SERPENT ???? or cosmic wheel of our divine Mother

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Number 13 Symbolism, 13 Meaning and Numerology

by Johnie - 4/08/22 6:41 AM
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by J.C. - 9/13/20 7:23 PM
I was born 1/3/1981 3:13am. My initials are 10th letter and the 3rd letter of the alphabet. I have seen the number 313 many times in my life at very spiritual moments. Over and over again. I am a son of a father who committed suicide when I was 3 1/2 years old. I am a good person but I suffered from great depression in periods all of my life. Sometimes it will lift and leave me and other times it will be with me day in and day out for months and years. I have also had many blessings and recoveries. Take care out there and have a good day. I nod right back to that clock when I see it. 313

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RE: 313

by K.D. - 5/01/21 3:48 PM
I was born 3/13/1982 and I am the daughter of a mother who committed suicide. I see 313 all the time too. Much love!

Supreme Court

by Revelation 13 - 4/15/21 9:26 PM
DemoncRATS packing Court to 13 Justices for a reason

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13 child

by Kendra - 2/03/20 4:42 AM
What does it mean if ur the 13 th child

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RE: 13 child

by Anonymous - 6/09/20 8:38 PM
You were born after the twelth.

God and why I think it don't talk to people

by Someone - 4/07/20 2:45 AM
We're all nobody's to it part of its TV show one actor drops a new one will take your place in the show of life it the plague happened when the world was at peace and if Satan is equal in power why not make a couple thousand soldiers and defeat him cause there ain't no Satan just god playing the same games since the beginning of our existence god plays people against each other pretends to be Allah pretends to be Buda no one has ever seen them all in the same place have u all god is everyone and everything we call evil and good Ying yang means the perfect balance same with God evil stop overpopulation good help people when u can

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living with 13

by Anonymous - 4/06/13 8:54 PM
i was born on a friday the 13th. i have 13 birth marks. my father has 13 siblings and my wifes father has 13 siblings.My grandmother died when i was 13. i was babtized at the age of 13. once on a friday the 13th i was injured and recieved 13 mother and step father was married 13 years when they devorced. i started dating my wife on a 13th (unknowingly).this number has randomly shown up in troubled times in my life like some kind of message. at least once a day i will see this number in a signifacant way. always waiting to figure it all out. maybe its god telling me something, maybe i'm reading to deep.

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RE: living with 13

by Jerry - 4/11/16 12:02 PM
God telling You to get ready to receive his blessings


by Anonymous - 2/16/20 8:56 AM
jelena could you give me power

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by Anonymous - 2/10/20 3:48 PM
the 2000s the unlucky century

friday 13th unlucky day

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by Anonymous - 2/18/19 10:58 AM
This is really weird I do not have a 13 birthday but the 13 dots on the backside of the dollar bill must mean something after reading this it worries me that the illuminati could be real and very dangerous I say and I quote "the number 13 brings the test, the suffering and the death. It symbolizes the death to the matter or to oneself and the birth to the spirit: the passage on a higher level of existence." that means something right

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RE: Illumanati

by Anonymous - 1/26/20 10:11 PM
Yes it do

13th again

by Chip berry(again) - 10/01/19 4:33 AM
Forgot to mention that my my father died January 13th,2003. He practiced medicine as a country doctor for 52 years(52 divided by 4 equels 13). I was born on the 29(13 times 2 plus 3). I gave my life to the lord january, 13, 2000. Keep my boat in slip 13 for 13 years. Wow— better go to bed, its almost the 13th hour— chip berry, kure beach, nc

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The significance of the number 13

by Chip berry - 10/01/19 4:08 AM
I took a 3 hour walk with the Holy Spirit at dawn along the beach in north carolina 3 years ago. No direct words were spoken but the spirit of christ let me see the beauty of everything in that 6 mile walk. Everything living and non living was made of 3’s, 7’s, and 13,s. Nothing else. It was beautiful. Glad i googled your site as i see many interesting things at some of the spiritual aspects of thos event.—— thanks, chip berry, kure bch. Nc

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by John - 6/09/16 3:12 PM
Does the numbers 13-3-13 have any significance to biblical prophecy either as a date or the numbers themselves?

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RE: Biblical

by Anonymous - 6/17/19 1:49 PM

RE: Number 13

by Anonymous - 2/03/19 9:04 AM
e^Pi × .000082944 = unification of four fundamental forces aem,aswz,Gw and Gn

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Another important "13" In bible

by Kas13 - 1/13/19 8:40 PM
Corinthians 13:13:
Corinthians 13:13

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Alpha Numeric

Faith=61928 = 26 = 13+13
Hope=8675 = 26 = 13+13
Love=3645 =
:3+6+4+5=18 18=9+9 or 1+8=9

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by Anonymous - 12/18/18 9:26 AM
I was born on Friday 13th. My first and last name a total of 13 letters. My first starts with 'B', a combo of 1 and 3 when written. My last starts with M, 13th letter. Born in 58, 5+8=13. Driv lic starts with 13. My SS has 13 isolated in center. I seem to be unlucky to everyone around me. I am quick as a cat, and have escaped death 4 times in my life. 1+3=4. Ancient Scottish ancestry. Family known as 'Clan of the cat'.

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