Properties of the number 20






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192 Comments for Number 20 Symbolism, 20 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 20 Symbolism, 20 Meaning and Numerology

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by Anonymous - 3/17/25 5:38 AM
If bad things happen and this number is associated with it like the date or you see it repeatedly, someone is doing black magic on you. You need to find a way to reverse it and get your divine mission back in order because someone close to you is jealous of you and wants to stop you. You are very important to God's plan and they can't stop you, no matter what.

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RE: 20

by Anonymous - 3/25/25 2:56 PM
Dear Anonymous,
Keep your misguided thoughts to yourself. What you say is false and extreme


by Anonymous - 11/24/21 8:28 PM
Both God and devil ??

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RE: 20

by Anonymous - 4/29/22 5:45 PM

looking at the clock at 4:20

by adrianna - 1/16/11 2:32 PM
i always look at the clock at 4:20, what does it meeann?

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RE:looking at the clock at 4:20

by MKUltra - 4/06/19 10:11 AM
It started happening to me when I moved into a low income neighborhood that was VERY sketchy. Pot smokers, drug dealers, sex offenders...

When I moved out of there and into the nice part of town, it happened far less frequently.

It only occured when I wasn't consciously doing something. If my mind started to drift and I wasn't doing anything, sure enough I'll look at the time and it's 4:20.

Which indicates to me that it's subconscious in nature. The body can also be affected by the subconscious in a lot of ways, including the body's internal clock. (Or rather it's ability to sense the time, such as being able to go to sleep and subconsciously want to wake up at a certain time, and then wake up at that time)

I seriously doubt it has anything to do with "God" or numerology. It's more likely that you're a victim of subconscious programming by someone else...

RE:looking at the clock at 4:20

by A fellow spiritualist - 12/31/19 12:24 AM
Let’s break down the 420 number. First of all, we have the 4. Angel number 4 is often associated with wisdom (particularly inner wisdom) as well as patience. The number 2 has a range of meanings but those of focus within the 420 numerology is co-operation, adaptability and it’s usually a sign of your ability to form relationships.

As the number 000, the number 0 is itself a spiritual number. We will look at the 420 spiritual meaning momentarily but the 0 is one of the more singularly important and significant numbers. A zero represents a single moment of choice that will impact your journey. More often than not this refers to a spiritual journey that could result in developing your higher self or your angelic communication abilities.

Similarly to the previous numbers, the number 6 has a wide variety of meanings. In this case, it relates to problem-solving which can also mean having to search within oneself for the answer. You don’t always have to add the single numbers together but in... more...

RE:looking at the clock at 4:20

by morgan - 6/06/20 3:27 AM
same thing happens to me too

RE: looking at the clock at 4:20

by Anonymous - 8/28/20 9:43 AM
20 years

RE:looking at the clock at 4:20

by . Michael Crock - 3/30/22 3:05 PM
I just want everyone to know that you are not alone. I have also been experiencing this phenomenon for about 6 months now.I happen to look at the clock at both 4:20 am and 4:20 pm. Very curious about this. I also see consecutive numbers like 2:22am, or 3:33 am. And this happens all the time! I wonder if it really means anything?

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very beautiful its symbolic because of the date it was the beginning of unity between family and friends.

by gustavo - 4/20/20 2:42 PM
this is meaningful becasue its april 20, year 2020 equals 202020 one and one at 7am o 'clock 4 20 2020

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20 past the hour

by Tony - 10/30/10 11:35 PM
I have been struggling with this phenomena,I Keep seeing the number 20 for over 1 year,and It scared me.I coincidently look at the time and its always 20 past the hour even if I awake from my sleep its 20 past the hour.Im relieved that there are people out there that share in this experience I thought I was lossing my mind.

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RE:20 past the hour

by Anonymous - 12/12/19 7:29 PM
Did anyone even find out what this means or is everyone just sharing their stories? I need answers

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The significance of the date 20/02/2020

by Madge - 1/20/14 3:17 AM
I'm curious whether the above date has any numerical significance for humanity.

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RE: The significance of the date 20/02/2020

by Anonymous - 11/07/19 1:41 PM
I asked my ex to buy me some credit for my phone. I laughed when he handed me the ticket but freaked out too stalking the web for answers. I got a $20 recharge that was bought at 20:20 on 20th and expired on 20/02/2020. Total was 20 paid with a 20 $ bill I freaked because I had recently been seeing 222 everywhere and 444 and my reading on you tube said I would be seeing many 2s.

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by Sondra - 11/01/19 8:06 AM
My uncles jan.20 grandmother's April 20 mom's sep.20 g.mother died jan.20 on her son's 45 my mom died this year on oct.20

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Once again 7:20

by Anonymous - 1/16/13 8:21 AM
Every time I check the clock it's a different hour but the minute's always on 20 what does this mean?!

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RE:Once again 7:20

by Tee - 4/19/19 4:55 PM
We should ask our spirit guides for knowledge as to why the number 20 is a daily occurrence.. From what i understand we know good and evil and we have to be diligent in making the right choices because irs also related to karma and karmic debt..i think it means that we take on others karmic debt also. We come off as too needy sometimes because we need to know the real power within us but we have low self esteem. We are encouragers of others we uplift and have extreme compassion.

RE:Once again 7:20

by Sharon - 6/12/19 5:21 PM
Yes, 20 after the hour has become the norm for me, everytime I look at a clock. Kinda scarey and kinda fun ???

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Number 20 on everything

by Mar - 1/04/13 4:44 AM
everytime i look at my phone for something is 2:20, or 3:20 or whatever the time is but is always 20min.. And now im starting to wonder, what does it mea?

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RE:Number 20 on everything

by Anonymous - 4/13/17 7:34 PM
Omg sameeeeee. I even woke up at 3:20am last night

RE:Number 20 on everything

by Anonymous - 4/19/19 3:49 PM
I looked it up and it has to do with belonging to good and evil. Also we are cheerleaders so to speak.. We encourage and uplift those that need it.. The fact that ir refers to " belonging to the devil" really freaks me out..i cant believe i chose this before my reincarnation.

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Planet 20?

by Kendell - 4/12/19 4:35 PM
Does anyone know anything about a Planet 20? Very important, please help me find answers!

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7:20 continually

by Shiv - 12/13/18 9:18 PM
I’ve been seeing 7:20 on the clock continually. I started looking at each book in the Bible that contains a chapter 7 and verse 20. There are similarities in the context of the different books and the theme seems to be that of repentance and turning back toward the Lord.

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Meaning of 20 after, when i look at clock

by Sharon Leader - 7/15/18 9:39 AM
Everytime i look at a clock it is 20 after the hour, what does this mean ?

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RE: Meaning of 20 after, when i look at clock

by Amber - 10/23/18 4:10 PM
Hi, I’ve been Experiencing the same thing for the last two or three months. I have no idea why. Did you ever find out why it was happening to you?

meaning of time 20:20

by Tess - 6/24/17 12:52 PM
When looking to my time on cell phone it was 20:20

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RE: meaning of time 20:20

by Amber - 10/23/18 4:08 PM
Hi, I’ve been Experiencing the same thing for the last two or three months. I have no idea why. Did you ever find out why it was happening to you?

RE: time

by Anonymous - 9/21/14 1:32 PM
Ok, like most of you I too see ##:20 when it comes to the time, I always purposely look to see what time it is just like normal people except most of the time it ##:20, a lot of you have pointed out 4:20 which is so strange because it is the most common time I see.

I know that in the cannabis culture 4:20 is a time where you are supposed to smoke, and have been wondering what the origins of that time was.

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RE: RE: time

by DB - 4/14/17 11:42 PM
My teenager told me 4:20 was associated with weed as the most common time people could get out of work or school to light up

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Same number combo for years 10:20

by Clay - 5/25/15 8:37 PM
Well, for the past 15 years I have always looked at the clock at exactly 10:20 twice a day almost every day. I have often wondered if it meant anything but dismissed it as coincidence. The other night I listened to a man on the radio speak of numerology and was wondering if there is some meaning behind this particular set of numbers appearing every day. Does anyone here have any idea what it could mean?

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RE: Same number combo for years 10:20

by Henry - 3/27/17 9:54 PM
Clay my cell is . I had a dream that I asked my friend what time it was. He said 10:20 then I woke up and looked at click it was 10:20am . I feel like God is trying to say something.


by deepak - 3/02/16 6:22 PM
nature is showing me number of 20 what is mean ?

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RE: tack

by Anonymous - 11/01/16 10:25 PM
Have been seeing the number 20 in minutes consistently on the clock over the last 4 months. Sometimes every hour, 3 hours in a row. Have also been experiencing some positive changes & occurances, some of which were an unexpected surprise. What is it?

Minute 20

by Heather - 3/04/15 11:27 PM
I have seen this number before back in late 2009, early 2010. Bad things were happening at the time enough to make me want to end my life. The number 20 came up repeatedly. I asked a good friend that understood numerology. He said it was "Duality" which in his terms your physical self and spiritual self. What I took from that was God talking to me and letting me know this to shall pass and better days are on the way, don't give up hope.
My physical self experienced very soon after the signs came. I consider 20 as a lucky number, my life turned for the better and I could breathe again. So here we are 2015, and once again I feel an emptiness with the weight of the world on my shoulders. I wouldn't say I want to end my life, since I promised myself I would never go back to that dark place ever again. I am seeing 20's left and right, text, calls, clocked minutes. I can't be sure, but I know there is a huge change coming that will be changing my life's direction and I always hope for the best. I know God is... more...

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RE:Minute 20

by Andrew Nadrofsky - 7/20/16 2:49 PM
This hearing of song, listen to the lyrics, be quiet and feel the feelings associated, dont be quick to judge, just be present with whatever it is that you are experiencing.

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2020 when worried about the near future

by Lynda - 7/15/16 1:25 PM

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by Andrew - 1/04/12 1:16 PM
For the past 12 months i have been looking at my watch or mobile (Cell) phone and clock everyday .. i always seem to look at the said time at exactly 20:20 i mean EXACTLY and im not waiting for the time to come !! Help .. i thought i was going insane >?? even people text or call me . Its and yes it seems to be dead on 20:20 !! thoughts ??

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RE: 20

by andrew - 11/14/12 5:12 PM
I also worked for a company who also had a department i was in called 20/20 ! . Im the original poster here . its still happening to me .. every day . like every day . i cant be that in tune with time to get it so precise every day can i ?

RE: 20

by wilfsland - 3/03/15 1:40 AM
I have exactly the same happening. For years i check the time in the eve and its always 20:20. And page numbers i find important info on is page 20. its following me lol wish i knes what it meant.

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numbers and accurances

by Mercia - 10/10/12 8:53 AM
one day at 10:10 in the morning, I noticed a car following me. Upon telling my husband, he said: "relax, you are imagining it". That same day at 13:13 I noticed the same car infront of my shop and thought not to tell someone, because they will think I'm paranoid, then at 20:20 that night I was attacked and held at gun point...Did the numbers and the fact that I saw it in doubles on my watch mean anything, and why 4 years later I am constantly reminded by a force of double displayed numbers.

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RE: numbers and accurances

by Anonymous - 10/07/14 8:32 PM
Omg I was born 4/20/1995 and all I keep seeing on the clock is 4:20 10:20 whtvr time it is it's something 20 and its starting to spark my curiosity idk Maybe God is trying to tell me something

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by Anonymous - 9/13/14 7:43 PM
For several months now, several times everyday, when I look at my phone to check the time, it is something :20. I have grown more curious as it keeps happening everyday! Several times a day! To the point where I am now wondering what it could mean.

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RE: time

by Anonymous - 9/21/14 1:24 PM
This has been happening to me for a year now

Warning Dream

by Morpheus - 8/05/14 8:52 AM
I've had the same lucid dream twice now warning me about the number 20, and no I'm not religious. But I also dreamt 3X warning me of the number 11 before Fukushima, so yeah, I'm paying attention....

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by Anonymous - 2/10/14 10:58 AM

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RE: bla

by Anonymous - 4/04/14 1:55 AM
I to was born on july 20th and see 20 after every hour everytime i liok at clock? This is very strange i was looking for a reason and stumbled upon this page i cannot believe other people aee this??

im not the only 20

by Anonymous - 8/09/13 8:32 AM
I have been noticing also that I have been looking at the clock and everytime I look at the clock it has 20 mins and so when so I I have a feeling it mean something but I'm trying to find out what it means and the only thing I can find out is is the biblical please someone try and help me it's driving me crazy

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RE: im not the only 20

by Anonymous - 11/16/13 6:25 PM
Hey the 20mins on the clock is happening yo me too!!!!! What the heck is going on someone help me understand!!!

RE:im not the only 20

by Anonymous - 1/30/14 1:29 AM
This has been going on with me for past year and not with just clocks. I open a book on page 20 I forward the t.v. I stop on 20. I open my texts most sent 20 after. Its everywhere I look. Can't figure it out.why 20 what's it stabilize

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20 on the license plate

by Linda - 8/15/13 4:52 PM
When my son died, it was March 20th, his license plate numbers on his motorcycle and his truck were number 20. His shop number had 1030 on the address but, the number 20 was missing. Several addresses he had for his residence were number 20. My license plate number is missing the number 20...I have 30, 40, 50...but 20? Went to see my daughter in jail...her table assigned for the day was 20. Her cell number is 20...what is going on with this number?

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