Properties of the number 2000




Last modification: December 19, 1998

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3 Comments for Number 2000 Symbolism, 2000 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 2000 Symbolism, 2000 Meaning and Numerology

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Lumenis (Deler..)

by Not Voln Gharst (clock numerology) - 11/15/11 5:06 PM
20:00 = 8:00 PM

1/800 = 0.00125

125th Day = 5/25 (may 25)
--->5:25 (min/hr hand at 5/5)
--->1/55 = 0.0181818

181st Day = 6/30 (jun 30)
--->6:30 PM = 18:30
--->The Messiah's Numbers = 1308 (english gematria)
--->Yehoshua HaMashiach = 1038 (english gem.)
------->Jesus the Messiah (Hebrew Language)

Back to 1818 (as follows)
---> 1818 seconds = 0.505 Hours
--->5:05 PM = 17:05
--->17/05 (17th of May) = 137th/138th Day (includes L.Y.)

God's Numbers = 137 (english)
Yehoshua HaMashiach = 173 (english)

137+173 = 310
--->3:10 (min/hr hand at 3/2)
--->32nd Day = 2/1(feb 1)

21:21 = 9:21 PM
--->Yehoshua HaMashiach = 921 (Jewish Gematria)

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by Anonymous - 1/25/09 2:34 AM
its the year 2009.... the age when the stork is completely black.... black symbolizes death in the Bible..... immorality is at its height... the mayans predicted their destruction... they predicted a new age at the year 2012... were at the height of immorality.. huh..

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RE: weird

by Anonymous - 3/03/11 5:02 PM
lol how can you be truly immortal if you were never truly mortal lol...are you guys serious with this, or is this just an act? Please someone stop these people from writing this nonsense...WAKE UP, or get with the program, or do whatever it is you need to do to realize "WHAT" you are.