Properties of the number 360
Represent symbolically the liberty of the creature, 300, in the cosmic harmony, 60, realizing the solidarity (3 + 6 + 0 = 9) according to R. Allendy.
This number seems to have a preferential relation with the numeral structure of the space-time, according to François-Xavier Chaboche.
A Divine Year for the Hindus is equivalent to 360 solar years.
According to the Chinese medicine, the human body has 360 bones and 360 small articulations; it counts 360 points of acupuncture and 360 major drugs for the therapy.
The 360 towers at Babylon.
The 360 steles, altars or idols surrounding the preislamic Kaale of Mecca.
The 360 degrees of a circle and the 360 symbols of the Zodiac.
The 360 glances of Allah in the Islamic countries. It is the number of time per day that God looks to the secret or preserved Tablet, that was the first thing created by God. (Koran 85,22)
The 360 chapels built around the mosque of Balk.
The 360 temples on the Lowham mountain, in China.
The 360 statues of divinities to the palace of Daïri in Japan.
The 360 gods of the orphism.
The 360 eons of the gnostics.
In the past, there were 360 days in one year terrestrial, according to Immanuel Velikovsky. Various old documents from ancient people tend to confirm it.
The 360 sovereigns who reigned in Egypt since the first known Pharaoh (approximately 3000 years before J.-C.) until the August emperor (year 1 of the Christian era).
It is the product of the two numbers 12 and 30 frequently employed for the measure of the time (by rotational cycles). It is also the product of 72, number of the principal geniuses of the nature, and 5, number of the life and the incarnation.
The 360 urns for the usage of the priests of Egypt for the libations in the honor of Osiris.
The 360 Egyptian priests who poured every days the water of the Nile to Acanthopolis in a bored cask.
The Athenian people erected 360 statues to Demetrius.
The enclosing wall of Babylon built by Semiramis had 360 stages length.
Mahomet destroys the 360 idols of Mecca.
Darius made divide the Gyndes into 360 channels because one of his sacred horses had drowned in this river.
In the great Persian feast the magi were made accompany by 360 young peoples.
Number tells "very abundant" since the sum of its numerous dividers (aliquot parts) gives a result higher than 360: 1+2+3+4+5+6+8+9+10+12+15+18+20+24+30+36+40+45+60+72+90+120+180 = 805.
The number 360 is used 2 times in the Bible.
There are 12 numbers in the Bible which are multiple of 360, and the sum of the occurrences of each of numbers gives 26.
The expression "do not fear" is used 360 times in the Bible, according to the shepherd R. Wurmbrand.
Last modification: December 19, 1998
12 Comments for Number 360 Symbolism, 360 Meaning and Numerology
Comment on Number 360 Symbolism, 360 Meaning and Numerology
introduction to computer
by victor - 3/21/25 3:42 AMNo Replies Post a Reply
Numbers being created with the rest of creation
by Yahuseph - 5/30/21 6:51 AMNo Replies Post a Reply
Interest in number for part of business name
by Dianna - 5/22/17 3:56 PMNo Replies Post a Reply
Programs along the Path
by Stuttering Toad - 2/11/10 12:08 PM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: Programs along the Path
by Anonymous - 12/03/16 10:39 PM360 - circle
by Netan'el - 9/18/10 6:30 PM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: 360 - circle
by Anonymous - 7/16/15 12:25 PM360 divided by 20 is18. 360 could be called "THE CIRCLE OF LUCK" or "Luck has a ring to it"
by Anonymous - 5/01/15 7:19 PMNo Replies Post a Reply
umm its wrong
by Anonymous - 3/25/15 12:59 AMNo Replies Post a Reply
by bb - 7/03/13 2:54 PMNo Replies Post a Reply
by Rhonda - 7/23/10 9:53 AMNo Replies Post a Reply
360 Symbolism
by Victor - 10/04/08 8:57 AMNo Replies