Properties of the number 600






Last modification: December 19, 1998

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20 Comments for Number 600 Symbolism, 600 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 600 Symbolism, 600 Meaning and Numerology

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by brother in christ +++ - 2/08/12 1:43 AM
have been on a major spiritual quest over the last 24months we went £600 OVERdrawn in the bank in december....was driving home from the walking the dog in the park yesterday and seen three lights on the horizion that looked like ORIONS belt. it turned out to be three lights on a very high construction CRANE. later on i went in the shower and just before i got in ,i remarked to myself my whole head and face had a red glow on it, anyway i thought no more of it. later on i picked the wife up from work and as we were having our evening meal we were watching PLANET EARTH tv series on FRESH WATER and it was on the SALMON who turn RED at their journeys end up the river....and i thought to myself WOAH. god working in mysterious ways again to say QUEST OVER WELCOME HOME. i must say tho' i always wanted to believe but have seen what zealots and those who would call themselves believers have done and wanted no part of any religion but our heavenly mother and father are kind generous and if you are worthy... more...

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RE: 600

by Anonymous - 5/03/20 5:22 PM
to the person regarding the salmon They born feed by the flesh of those who have died before them so that hey may have life so look at how man live one to born two to die and again be risen to life salmon a great example of who Jesus our Lord and Savior is He died just like the salmon to allow us to rise again with Him after we are born again just like that river the Kingdom is waiting for your return if you've lived for Him your life will have feed your bother in need.


by Elijah - 1/17/23 6:27 AM
You are confused. There is no heavenly mother there is a heavenly Father, you are not worthy nobody is (Romans 3:23) but God loved us all anyway and God the Father sent His son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins to reconcile us back to the Father (John 3:16), believing in God means putting your faith in God it’s not just believing that He’s real and that wasn’t God leaving a trail for you to follow, there is only one way to eternal life Jesus is the only way He is the way the truth and the life (John 14:6), we are not all sons and daughters of God (1 John 3:10), there is no mother earth and without Jesus everyone is guilty and headed for eternal punishment everyone has sinned and we can only be justified by faith in Jesus (Romans 3:23) (Romans 5:1)

Don’t let some fake Christians who were bad examples keep you from your salvation and freedom in Jesus you won’t be able to use that as an excuse there will be no excuses on judgement day you have to make the choice

If you want to receive... more...

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Tourette like self exclamations

by NW Washington State - 11/10/22 10:42 AM
I've been working on my mental health thru a stressful career, and have become very spiritual as a result of the meditations etc. Here I am in my 50's and like Tourette syndrome, I call out 600! sometimes silently, but usually out loud to myself throughout the day. So I finally went looking for what does this mean. I sort of think it might be a guardian angel telling me to retire! I don't know so I ask you all here, what am I telling myself when I do this?!

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Greek measures

by Chris - 11/26/18 4:47 AM
So I was looking at old greek measurements, and according to Herodotus, one stadia was 600 feet. Guess what 600 stadia is? One degree of circumference.

So circumference of the world according to that is 360 000 (feet) * 360 (degrees).

The difference from real numbers will vary with the measurement of one foot, although 30.922cm seems to be pretty close though:

0.30922 * 600 * 600 * 360 / 1000 = 40074.912 km

Actual modern number of earths circumference: 40075 km

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Total wedding 600 guests

by Searching - 5/20/18 9:13 AM
Being brought to searching numbers as I have the past 2 years the wedding brought me to looking I feel now more than ever we should all be
Looking for signs if you read all of revelations in the Jehovah witness bible it will blow you away how much it tells accurately about what’s happening the words in the bible are symbolic to our age. I’m terrified but not I feel god and his son Jesus will do everything i their power to save those who repent mean their worries believe and love and fallow the bible. I’m agnostic but I now fully agree yes god is real and I’m so thankful.

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RE: Total wedding 600 guests

by Anonymous - 5/20/18 9:13 AM
The royal wedding I mean

What's the meaning of 600

by Maria - 1/01/18 12:07 PM
I'm being seeing numbers and what message they bring me.
Now it's 600!
I don't want feel confuse that's why I request some guidance!

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600 Flint Michigan College Students

by Marjai - 4/30/16 8:22 PM
I was included in 600 college student graduating today. Though we are in a water crisis it was more grads this year than last. I felt led to see if there was a biblical/spiritual meaning.

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I dreamt the number 12 & 600

by Valarie - 1/13/16 3:05 PM
What is the meaning of the numbers

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RE: I dreamt the number 12 & 600

by Valarie - 1/13/16 3:10 PM
12 & 600 what do the represent from the bible? Thank you!

600 60 33

by cemal akan hassan - 10/19/13 2:17 PM
the numerical number of my name and birthdate equels 600 60 33 or 666 or
684. could you please tell me what it means? my telephone number is 07731 649 939

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RE: 600 60 33

by Anonymous - 7/04/15 10:40 PM
GOD gave his only son for youll to him youll was worth more than gold no money gold are diamonds worth more than JUSUS praiae my father now

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Dreams, 6000 plants a week

by James Shingleton -smith - 5/14/15 9:25 AM
I had a dream and in the dream a man said
That he wanted 6000 plants every week.

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RE: Dreams, 6000 plants a week

by Anonymous - 7/04/15 10:32 PM
Turn to GOD for freedom now