Properties of the number 7






Last modification: December 19, 1998

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172 Comments for Number 7 Symbolism, 7 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 7 Symbolism, 7 Meaning and Numerology

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Backwards seven

by Shoobear - 5/24/12 7:13 PM
I have a backwards seven scar on my forehead does it still have the same meaning as a regular seven?

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RE:Backwards seven

by Anonymous - 12/09/21 10:47 PM
I have a backwards seven on my left .title finger when I make a fist it is dead center of my nuckles iv had it for awhile have no idea where it came from just noticed it one day I also have a scare on my forhead from when I was a child that gose from my eye brew the the back of my scalp and with the crease of my for head its almost like a cross I do believe in God and have made a lot of thought into thinking it could be related I have did twice in my life from horrible accidents and have walk away fine from them I seem to have the worst good luck there is like I read anything that can happen will happen bad or good but I feel the more I fight the enevitible the worse happens I do like to think that it is the mark of the beast and I think it means something greater then we can imagine

RE:Backwards seven

by 02/17/2022 - 2/17/22 3:46 AM
I saw a glowing backwards 7 just now at like 4:44 in the morning and i wanted to figure out if it meant something and someone here says they saw the same thing

RE:Backwards seven

by Anonymous - 9/03/22 3:26 PM
I have one to the left of my right eye, I don’t know if this is to be connected to god or to have a longer life span

RE:Backwards seven

by Anonymous - 9/04/22 7:20 AM
In my dream last night I met a girl with a backwards seven necklace and she told me it meant ascension.

RE:Backwards seven

by Tahoe - 10/17/22 9:47 AM
I had a backwards 7 and a # 1 appear out of nowhere on my leg.I’ve been on a journey.I don’t know what this means though.

RE:Backwards seven

by Crystal - 5/15/23 1:09 PM
I have been on my own spiritual journey and looking within. I have seen the floating backwards 7 of light when I close my eyes to meditate and connect to God. I am glad I found that others have had this and appreciate the Greek symbolism mentioned. This makes sense now.

RE:Backwards seven

by Lillian - 10/09/23 6:01 AM
I woke up this morning and there was a backwards 7 looks to be lightly carved on my torso

RE:Backwards seven

by Anonymous - 10/09/23 6:02 AM
Help me I need answers

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by Curiosity - 2/18/19 6:21 PM
Was told today by someone very old they saw me in the room with the seven that I was one of the seven. I can’t let it go. Does this make sense to anyone. As silly as it sounds I feel like it did.

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RE: Curiosity

by Anonymous - 4/11/20 5:20 AM
I too was given this message back in 2018.I was told to find the others.

i was given the number 7

by Anonymous - 4/02/20 7:57 PM
i am bi polar. 3 years ago i had a sphycotic episode. it was horrible but ended good. i was tried and tested by demons....i felt i was in purgetory...the number 7 was given to me. all my sins and good deeds came back to me like my soul was being weighed. then i passed on to a lighter phase...with hope and awe. i saw souls in others faces. it was all very hectic. i know it was all unreal but it still feels real what happened and since then...the number 7 returns to me often. what does it mean

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by Unknown - 12/28/19 6:41 AM
I dreamed the devil telling me I have 7 years left to live . After that every time I dream about having to die I hear someone saying 7

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by kt - 5/30/19 1:26 AM
when i died i heard the 7

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RE: Born with 7

by charles Salmon - 5/09/19 7:04 PM
I received a sared seven on my arm when I received the HolySpirit,why?

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RE: Destiny

by Anonymous - 5/09/19 7:00 PM
And I was born on the 4th of July1950.i did do miracles for 12 days with my hands and other miracles followed for seven years😁

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Backwards 7 with 3rd eye activated look sun

by Anonymous - 2/02/17 1:12 PM
Need deep answer not fake truth I came to far to higher level of meditation 7-7-7 died 7times ,came back to life 7timespredicted world end end of times of our planet for 7
Today just few minutes ago I meditated while 3rd meditation seen backwards 7thru my 3rd eye all my chakras are in line and fully functional I've been to the divine everything that I'm telling you is the truth honesty loyalty peace happiness love care equality

If anyone knows or believes

Help me

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RE: Backwards 7 with 3rd eye activated look sun

by Anonymous - 3/28/19 9:32 AM

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by Olivia - 3/28/19 1:18 AM
What does it mean to dream writing the number 7 (numerical) then writing aliphatic?

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Funny looking 7

by Jn - 2/13/18 11:36 AM
I recently received a small bottle like oil from a guy that had the number 772 but the first 7 was funny looking unlike the rest

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by MajorGreen - 1/02/18 9:52 AM
I was born on the 1st of the 7th month 1979. My birth name adds up to seven, and the owl has always been my spiritual animal and also represents the number seven. And if you ask me; Seven stands for death(spiritual and actual), for change and rebirth, for magic, union of the other numbers into one, intuitive knowledge etc.
And for those that think that number seven appears in their life because they are quite special like that., ya'll be left disappointed sooner or later, I promise ;)

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I have 4 - 7's in my social security number, What would this mean?

by Pam - 5/28/17 4:04 PM
I have always wondered what the " 4 - 7's in my social security number" might mean? is there any relevance to this that you may know?

Thank you,


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RE: I have 4 - 7's in my social security number, What would this mean?

by Anonymous - 10/29/17 7:40 AM
Wow, I have four sevens in my SSN too!

July 7

by Jessie - 1/29/17 4:55 AM
I was born on the seventh month on the seventh day. Pretty cool. When I was six, I would count towards my birthday and I think that was the time I realized how special 7 is to me. I realized one day that there were 7 days til my 7th birthday on the 7th year (it was 2007) of the 7th day on Saturday (which a lot of people believe that Saturday is the 7th day of the week. Look it up) til my 7th birthday.

Ever since then, 7's pop up EVERYWHERE. Even my friends are always pointing it out and noticing it when they are around me. Like one time, I was a library with my two friends and I grabbed a book out randomly and it was a star information book. I joked around and told them, "I'm going to close my eyes and flip through this book for 7 seconds and that star sign will be mine."

The star sign it landed on was Cancer.

That's my sign, it's partly for the 7th month of the year.

I almost dropped my book.

I almost convinced myself that these recurring 7's were just my brain sorting through billions of info and... more...

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RE: July 7

by Anonymous - 10/21/17 3:31 AM
No. I also believe you are blessed. I too recently discovered number 7 has a powerful meaning. My son was sick for months. He was always on the Seventh floor. Came home for the first time after 7 months!!! Recently, I discovered that Seth's timeline of procedures... the dates always was link with our families birth dates.

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Romans 1:20

by Sean - 6/12/17 5:04 AM
Re: Romans 1:20 - God's divine nature clearly seen in creation. 7 continents, 7 Seas, 7 colors in the rainbow, 7 primary notes in music, 7 forms of art, 7 measurements for all matter, 7 basic groups of living beings, and last, time and space- 7 days in a week, and 7 layers of atmosphere: exosphere, thermosphere, mesosphere, stratosphere, troposphere, space, and heaven.

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by God son - 4/02/17 3:18 PM
Life knowledge power will hearing seeing speech.

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RE: Truth

by Anonymous - 4/02/17 3:19 PM
Thoughs are the seven attributes to the god.

Hawkwind Seven by Seven

by Soupdragon - 3/16/17 1:37 PM
Space is Deep

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RE: Hawkwind Seven by Seven

by Soupdragon - 3/19/17 2:27 PM
Hawkwind - X In Search of Space version 7 by 7. Born to Go -
Triumph Bonneville Norton Commando ...
Fish and Chip Shop Cafe Racer ...
Down through the Night ... Hawkwind Visions.
Enjoy ♠️

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by Sheila - 5/01/15 4:15 PM
Hi, I have always wondered why the number 7 has always been in my life. Is it the Universe sending me a message or have I left a message for myself from a previous life??
I was born on the 7th day of September (originally the 7th month - Sept is the french for 7)on a sunday morning (7th day of the week).
I am the 7th daughter going both ways in the family (13 girls - 6 younger than me and 6 older than me).
I have moved house several times during my adult life. All the homes I have lived in were numbered either 7 or a multiple of 7. I now live in number 14.
My marriage lasted 14 (2x7) years. It took another 7 years before the divorce was finalised.
I am now 56 (7x8) years old.
There have been many more incidents of the number 7 turning up in my life.
My car's licence plate starts with the number 7.
Just wondering if anyone can shed some light on this 7 that I have questioned most of my life??

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RE: 7

by Chris - 1/23/17 6:42 AM
I'm bombarded with 7s lately...I have done enough research and I still not sure if it is good or bad entirely but I'm slightly leaning towards it been a Number of Satan after reading this site and comments...

If you read the comments...nothing has come out of it...Number 7 seems to create more drama in ones life through co-incidences...

I don't think god would play around our life with Code, Magic and Mystery at the same time keep us guessing as to the significance of 7 while making our lives miserable...also, 7 seems to give HOPE a lot...which is clearly a Satans habit...Hope is Satanic by default.

If you are Hoping that 7 is good or Confused...I don't think its from God.


by Anonymous - 3/17/13 12:14 PM
I was born seventh month, seventh day, at exactly seven o'clock.

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RE: 777

by J We - 1/22/17 10:19 AM
My mother died July 7, 1997 at 7:00am (that is the date and time on her death certificate). She had 7 children. I am her seventh. She had spent 7 weeks in the hospital before she died. As mentioned previously, I am her seventh child, she was the seventh child of her siblings, and her mother was the seventh child of her siblings.

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number seven

by caroline - 1/20/17 3:46 AM
thank you for the insight&knowledge of the number i was born on 7thjuly thats month&date nut my main problem is how much i have suffered inlife yet the number is for perfection,,demons molesting me its like cycle repeatin itself in my life because i gave birth to my first son on 17 so i relly wonder is it connected does GOD have a divine purse for my life

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The Number 7

by Al Supreme - 12/25/16 6:46 AM
My social security number adds up to the Number 7.

Join the military 9/25
My number was 007

My section number was 268

I was discharged on the 16th day of of Apr.

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by Brenda - 11/16/16 2:30 PM
My Bday is 7/17/70. Last digits on my SS is 7477. My wedding date is 7/7/06. My husband is 7 years older than I. Every landline I have ever had has always had a 7 in the last four digits. My 1st husband was born on the 7th, the list goes on and on. When I happen to look at the time, either a 7 or 1:11 or 11:11. I'm new to this so what is the signifigance? What am I supposed to be knowing with 7S? Thank you so much in advance for any knowledge or advice or opinion.

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RE: 777

by phylicia - 12/09/16 8:36 AM
Hi!.. My Birthday is also 07/17/1970 :)

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one more thing . . . .about God

by Charlie - 10/14/16 4:40 PM
I cannot OVERSTSATE that for the past 18 mos. I feel as if God has forgotten me, and I've almost lost faith. Here's only a FEW things to hit me HARD: My wife did a 180 degree personality turn, and now, the only woman I ever married has ripped my heart to shreds. The cat I had developed the closest, most deep bond with (Maverick) My "little buddy" for 16 years was diagnosed with oral cancer last year, and for 61 days, 24 hours a day, I kept him as comfortable as possible, giving him IV's for fluid, liquifying his food, feeding him with a syringe, cleaning his face and loving him as best I could, with ZERO help from my wife. I didn't sleep or eat during that time. I paid no attention to my OWN health, and ended up in the hospital 2 days after I had to let Maverick go. I lost 36 pounds in those 61 days, (all muscle mass) became very sick, then fell into a very serious depression. I LOOK like I'm 75 years old at only 56. So, with no family, and my wife ignoring me, I truly thought God would comfort me. Instead,... more...

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RE: one more thing . . . .about God

by Anonymous - 11/16/16 2:36 PM
He is there and honestly you can not know the good without knowing the bad. We were promised free will with no interference. Your wife is exerting her free will, God is not making her do these things and nor is he going to stop her because of free will. I am so sorry for you for your cat but I am happy that your cat has gone home... Free from pain. We hurt here because we do not know That is just a drop in the bigger picture and it is meant to learn from. In your case,i see a human loving another spirit so much and sacrificing so much is lifting to me... To know that someone is capable of such devotion and love is amazing... You are amazing!

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Why me too

by Ruth - 10/14/16 2:52 PM
I have this too ....i was Born in THE month 7 my first child isborn in month 7 and also my first grandchild my house nr is 7 my bank account ends with à 7 my phonenr ends with 7 my pincode of my banking ends with 7 and my wedding day on the 7 my erea code is 2525 wich makes 77. No matter how manny times i look at the clock it always 07,17,27,37,47,57.somtimes it would freak me out. But now it always reminds me of Jehova Shammah meaning that God is there. So now it puts à smile on my face knowing that he is.

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RE: Why me too

by Anonymous - 10/17/16 8:32 AM
Bless that

Number 7 Symbolism, 7 Meaning and Numerology

by Boxy - 10/17/16 8:21 AM
The pineal gland, "third eye" of the human fetus forms on the 49th day after conception or at exactly 7 weeks. The soul is delivered the next day. "The Feast of Weeks" called Shavuot (the giving of the Law to Moses at Sinai) and Pentecost, ( the disciples and a group of true believers receive illumination of consciousness from the Holy Spirit, 7 weeks plus 1 day after the Messiah’s resurrection)refers. In Tibetan Buddhism, the bardo is the 49-day transition period between death and rebirth.

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by layla - 9/15/16 12:18 PM
i have been seeing the number 7 alot....everywhere i go! i was born 7th of june but i dont understand why it keeps appearing everywhere! people keep saying its god giving you a message but i dont believe in god... so WHY does 7 follow me!?

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RE: why

by Gary George Winters Jr - 10/15/16 10:47 AM
Please tell me the importance of my birthday 720 271 and the Seal of Solomon and lesser key of Solomon

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