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62 Comments for Symbolism of the Christian Fish, Baptism and Water

Comment on Symbolism of the Christian Fish, Baptism and Water

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The Fish, 153, and Jesus - possible mathematical proof of astrology and esoteric meaning of the fish

by GodsTruthWar - 10/19/19 8:24 PM
the fish might have more deeper symbology.. notably the clue given by 153 fish brought up on the right side (spiritual) which if combined in the ratio 153:265=SQRT(3) and how it relates to circles divided by 12.

Just some curious thoughts

it is curious that our present day clock has preserved this esoteric knowledge
even to the extent that each day we seem to (not) be reminded of 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night
there doesn't appear to be a good reason to opt for 12x2 instead of 24x1
the clock being round seems to be easily explained by being on a round planet, with time being counted & divided by the turning of a planet.
360 degrees x2 = 720 degrees & 72 is also a sacred number
72 & 720 are mentioned many times in the bible... in some cases they relate to the number of gods
the horizontal line of 153 created by intersecting two circles by 4 HOUSES
the vertical line of 153 created by intersecting two circles by 2 HOUSES
... more...

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RE:The Fish, 153, and Jesus - possible mathematical proof of astrology and esoteric meaning of the fish

by Anonymous - 3/27/24 7:40 AM
Chris, I left you a reply ...

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Christian Fish birthmark

by Colleen Michell - 3/07/23 10:56 PM
I have the christian Fish on my left inner calf about the size of a penny.. what does this mean.

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by Joseph A. Sprute (616) - 9/20/22 4:44 PM
as it is today in the West, the idea of ever having been, or (god forbid) ever becoming a fish was, and is a topic or religious fervor

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another hmmmmm

by valis - 9/03/21 9:24 AM
rotate the fish 90 degrees . duplicate this {*2). rotate the duplication by 180 degrees. stack the rotated duplication above the original. This is the double helix. DNA

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by greg - 6/12/09 7:49 AM
The fish was a symbol of Oannes - the babylonian fish god who existed long before El. Of course the Universal church (up to around 300 CE, which later became the Catholic church) borrowed anything that was convenient for them from the Judaic lore, since after all, ALL that the church's fathers admired was sourced in Judaica. We must know that all Judaica admired was, after all, sourced in Babylon and Egypt. So here we have the mother/ "whore" of Babylon, mated with the Egyptian priesthood of bloodthirsty Amun that gave birth to the Synagogue, which Jesus, as a Hebrew priest (and as such, was REQUIRED by custom to be married) later rebelled against for its lack of love. This whole thing is our heritage - from the corruption, lies, and disempowering dogmas and practices, to the beauty and love of ALL beings, AND our own divinity.

Yap, yap, yap. Forget an outside source that will solve our problems, and realize brother Jeshua (Yeheshua) wanted us to realize our power when he said "Greater things than these shall you do".

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by jimmy russell - 4/03/14 11:41 AM
can you tail me about a picses man


by Fish - 2/01/19 5:00 PM
The fish is the power of 2. Creation. Two shall become one. UNI. U.N.I. (text abrev, you and I ). Single parting into two Two circles interconnect. For instance you eye is a fish symbol of two cycles. Your mouth. Buttocks End of penis. Viirgina. Sperm entering an egg. Splits cell in two but not seperate. Now u have three shapes. Two circles and the shape of a fish connecting in middle. When this process begins light is produced. In that light all knowledge exists. The birth of a being. Life. Wonder. Glory. Beauty. A numeral process of numbers begin by the power of two. The two shall become one. Yes life begins with two. Husband and wife equal one. Creation is a mathatical formulae and you become the format. You were never a mistake. God declared all things are good. Does an egg have a brain? Does the single sperm have a brain? Yet the programme of the two was installed. Two worlds were in collision right from the time of the eruption/explosion. A microscope of you knew it had to join forces with th egg and caused a multiplication which in turn caused a chemical reaction and becomes a biological system and so the energy of your parents became a mass E = m\2. Which brings me two a question does 2 = 9 ?

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Fish (signs in the Heavens)

by CLM - 3/29/12 10:44 PM
Last summer, I'd visited my ex wife, our (older) children and her new husband. One of those days I went outside and looked up and over their house I'd seen a smaller cloud form into a shape of a fish, then a narrow gap down the center and the narrow end cross over into a fish sign. By the time I ran to the porch and returned, it looked like a small cloud.

If I'd had my camera then,(and used it) would the fish cloud have been in the photo? I don't know. My ex wife's husband had asked me to go fishing with him.....maybe the sign was to use minnows? :P

A YT video would have been great, but, most would say it was faked. :(

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RE:Fish (signs in the Heavens)

by Connie Clark - 6/16/17 9:46 AM
I Have been asking God to Re unite me with my flame as I wait patiently I have faith that it is already done.im BELIEVING and praying he has the same FAITH as I do because my flame is for him and him only ......and I believe the heavens will Agree the time is NOW. For us to enjoy life together here on earth in our Psyical body as we do in the Heaaaaaaaaaavens. a smiple rewarding life together. a life of bliss one of love peace trust and affection and respect for privacy Repecting one another values Valuing what we have together.......and never allowing any man or women to water it down again ever a simple normal life rich with blessings and curses not. n to every area of our relationship together as man and WIFE. for GODs GLORY not mines and my this union reflect every once of love a peace and properity for the whole world to be fruitful in with us.

RE:Fish (signs in the Heavens)

by Anonymous - 1/18/19 2:51 AM
it's a story about family, it's been in front of me all along. i was in the house if the Lord earlier this evening, happy b-irth day dad.
Be careful what you read on the internet, like the -ologys or at least make sure your versed in the language. it can get you on the wrong path otherwise.
we are blessed more than we know, and mabee rather than crusifying people for there different beliefs or opionions, lets embrace them, give encourage to the people in leadership positions , which in turn should help modivare them to do a better job. win-win. tha thank you to all the people, world leaders, professionals & all others.
God bless

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German Royal Monarch royal number 1190

by Augusta du Plessis Chan Seagal Meng Cheng - 7/17/18 4:21 AM
Wife and biological mother of the children of Eric Winterbach Heflin Rockerfellar German Royal Monarch Royal number 1180 now residing in nr 1 Wiesenhof street Baden Berlin Germany.

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by Anonymous - 2/17/16 3:29 AM
It's PIsces...PI...3.14 creation. An apostle will draw one arc upon meeting another apostle, in return...if a true apostle...the other would interlace his arc to form the 'fish' or vesica pisces, proof that one is truly an 'apostle'.

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RE: fish

by Anonymous - 1/28/17 5:19 PM
Where in the Bible does it say that?


by steven - 7/26/12 10:24 AM
U have good teachings but I don't like ministers usesing other bibles in their sermion . If u claim to be a king james bible believer u know that the other bibles are corrupet why ues them .

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RE: bilbe

by Anonymous - 10/18/16 4:04 AM
Compare the KJV to the niv of these versus
Prov 25:23
Job 16:20
Jer 51:3

Hope this helps

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the fish

by kmac - 3/14/15 11:48 PM
how can anyone not know by now that the fish represents the Vesica Pisces, the whole basis of creation; it represents light

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RE: the fish

by Anonymous - 9/17/15 7:17 PM
Which religion are you referring too? There are several different Christian religions.

The christian fish

by brother - 2/11/14 9:08 AM
Good information about the sign that God iluminated to the christians of those days to create for their protection. None christian worship the sign just was a secret identification between brothers. Please, to those who wrote that, do not write incuerent things about an historical fact. Read before comment!!!

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by Anonymous - 4/14/05 5:54 AM
what's the purpose of the highlighted letters and words is it a code?

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by Mark - 3/04/13 6:52 AM
I am so often *cross* about Christianity lately, Ghandi once said I love your Christ but I am not so ccnvinoed about your Christians' or something in that vein. I'm no Ghandi but I am a committed Christian, for better or worse, culturally and spiritually. In fact I discovered something personally recently- it's not even a choice I have. Having been raised this way, somewhat imperfectly, the values are ingrained.Selfishness, greed, cruelty anathema to Christians once we are exposed to the cross, symbol of Jesus' self-sacrifice and trying to change the world. None of us are the same after. We may try to proceed business-like but life is totally changed.And then we get to see people like you Bosco, who have been through the refiner's fire: knowing God chooses the best of people to demonstrate this. And yet wishing you so much less pain than you have had to bear.Isn't that what compassion is? I am sorry' for another's suffering?That's what the symbol of the crucifix means to me: it's a complete reminder of how... more...

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Ark of the Covenant

by Kevin Quinn - 12/26/12 7:29 PM
They found the Ark of the Covenant; Christ tomb, Crucifixion site and the Ark of the Covenant found buried under a trash pile at the foot of Skull Mountain.

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Gone Fishing

by Cybernikes - 2/24/09 11:38 AM
A graven image clearly means to make something to represent God in order to worship that image instead of God.

This insults God because it says that we as puny little beings can somehow quantify the boundless and almighty Yahweh.

The fish symbol how ever is not a graven image as it does not seek to represent the likeness of God.

The symbol was used to denote a group of Christ's followers at a time when meeting to worship the risen King of Kings could get you tossed into the lion's den.

No one I have ever heard of bows down to the fish symbol and worships that symbol as if it were God, if for no other reason than that particular fish denotes a human group, and therefore wholly unworthy of worship.

Let's not get bogged down in legalism. Christ assures us that he who is ashamed of Him, so shall Christ be ashamed of him before the Father.

So I say tack on those fish, the new world apostasy is upon us and soon enough my brothers we will have our turn in the lion's den.

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RE: Gone Fishing

by Anonymous - 9/03/11 4:13 PM
its a metaphor.


by Anonymous - 7/18/11 12:14 AM
You've neglected to mention Pisces, the fish. Not to mention Jesus is the savior and the archetype of the passing Age of Pisces.

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Jesus is a fish?

by Anonymous - 11/30/10 9:38 PM
Jesus is a fish?
Are you people dense?

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RE: Jesus is a fish?

by Anonymous - 7/04/11 6:13 AM
Seriously? Is that honestly your interpretation of what the Fish represents? Speaking to whomever was the Anonymous person that posted this question - 'Jesus is a fish?' - What a stupid question.

Christian Fish

by Armand - 3/10/11 5:38 PM
Hold a fish when you pray, give a fish away. The fish is a fine symbol of Christian community...a beautiful reminder of our Lord and his people.

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The Fish

by Anonymous - 12/19/03 1:49 AM
While I may understand what the symbol of the fish means on the back of christians' cars,I still don't get why people are using it. In most cases,it is not just a sticker of the fish,per se,but images,GRAVEN IMAGES. Is it not wrong to make an image;whether it be a doll,a bull,a statue or a fish? And then to take that image that God prohibits and ascribe it to God I think is the ultimate insult. I really don't think that I am being too dogmatic. I have been enticed to put one of those fishes on the back of my car, but something deep inside says 'No,no,no!'-a saint.

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RE: The Fish

by Joanna - 12/26/10 7:19 AM
I understand about your guilt concern, however if we understood about the symbol and why we are using it and the origin of why we come to use it then you would understand that theres no need to feel guilty...guilt would only come if in your heart you are really worshiping the image fish itself and not the real God. You can read about how we came to use this symbol at my other comment

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worshiping the images (fish?)

by Mike - 7/24/10 4:18 AM
Hey fundamentalists there!
Do you not WORSHIP money? Whose figure is marked on the dirty face of MONEY or a Coin? Do you carry them in your pockets or wallets? If not to keep or carry graven images, why you fools do that, and pointing fingers at catholics all the time?! Look first your own faces in the mirror and pass comments against the Universal Church of Christ! Were Lutherans,Baptists,El-sadais,Pentecostal,Jehovah Witnesses churches there during 1st century?If not who are you to boast like you are above the Universal Church (Catholic).You are the pieces broken out from the Catholic Faith only. So learn to honor your forefathers o.k.? If you do not know yourselves, how can you know others? Images kept by catholics are only the means to communicate the Truth that's all!We don't ever worship the images in place of God, Christ...Do you understand now?! Can you throw your money out in the river and live without that graven money with you? For Christ has said, give what Caesar owns to Caesar,and God's to... more...

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RE: worshiping the images (fish?)

by Anonymous - 8/26/10 1:36 AM
It really doesn't matter Catholic and Christians are all of the same root. There the same package with a different name on the same package.

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I gotta agree with you for the most part, nicely put.

by Forexneaxy - 7/25/09 12:38 PM
Interesting website, i have bookmarked your site for future referrence.

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the fish

by Alfredo Lazo - 3/27/09 3:49 AM
symbols were used as a form of communication, I dont see nothing wrong with it as long as you are not worshiping these symbols of putting them 1st before god check out this chapter>>Deuteronomy 4:15-18 You saw no form of any kind the day the LORD spoke to you at Horeb out of the fire. Therefore watch yourselves very carefully, 16 so that you do not become corrupt and make for yourselves an idol, an image of any shape, whether formed like a man or a woman, 17 or like any animal on earth or any bird that flies in the air, 18 or like any creature that moves along the ground or any fish in the waters below.

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image, fish

by Anonymous - 5/06/04 10:26 AM
Deuteronomy 4:15-19

"Therefore watch yourselves very carefully. Since you saw no form on the day that the Lord spoke to you at Horeb out of the midst of the fire, beware lest you act corruptly by making a carved image for yourselves, in the form of any figure, the likeness of male or female, the likeness of any animal that is on the earth, the likeness of any winged bird that flies in the air, the likeness of anything that creeps on the ground, the likeness of any fish that is in the water under the earth. And beware lest you raise your eyes to heaven, and when you see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the host of heaven, you be drawn away and bow down to them and serve them, things that the Lord your God has allotted to all the peoples under the whole heaven.

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RE: image, fish

by Dale - 11/08/08 8:56 AM
You are right in your assment of graven images. But look at the context. It is talking about making an image to depict God for worship which is a correption of God. I know of no christian who uses the fish symbol in this way i.e. worship! The symbol is used to depiect them as a follower of Christ Jesus. It is a symbol of who thay are. Not God!

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graven images

by chemi - 10/03/08 7:17 AM
Make no graven images was a directive to teachers not to draw any diagrams in the Bible which they obviously obeyed.

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Further Resources

by Anonymous - 10/02/08 5:41 AM
Hey, there! I wanted to drop you a line, and the only way I could figure out to do so was via a comment on one of your articles. I apologize in advance for not having read the whole article. I really appreciated your position as stated on your home page, though, and wanted to encourage you in your study and sharing. I am a (fairly new) student of the End Times as well and thought you might appreciate the resources provided through the International House of Prayer, a missions base in Kansas City, MO. I am currently studying their material and have found their notes to be very interesting and helpful. I look forward to checking out more of your website, and pray the eyes of your heart be enlightened to see the hope of His calling, the glory of His inheritance, and the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe (Eph 1:17-19). :)

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by AlexM - 8/17/08 6:53 AM
Your blog is interesting!

Keep up the good work!

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